Pama and Papa's

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The rest of June just seemed to fly by. The farm started getting busy enough to where I honestly didn't have much time to consider what Seth and I really were... I mean we had to work together and kinda lived together... Kinda. The loft was his and my room was mine. I hadn't really attempted to go out on the barn roof again because that required going through the loft... Its not that I hated Seth... Or at least not anymore... It was more so the fact that I knew if I spent more time with him i would start to fall... Hard and fast. I've never been that girl, I was always too busy with the farm or just didn't bother to consider it, especially not with Seth. I mean... He was the star quarterback, the person all the girls wanted but no one could have. And I was that nobody farm girl, invisible to the world and fine with the loneliness it ensured. Yet when one guy starts working at your house each day, you kind of start to forget all your morals and end up letting life take you where it leads.

Which is one of the main reasons I am now where I am. Seth decided that he was going to take me out to dinner at his grandparents' house.

"Why are we doing this again?" I ask Seth for the millionth time since we had gotten into his truck.

"I figured since I've seen your home, you could see mine." He answers, eyes still locked on the road.

"Isn't that the football field?" I ask curiously.

He actually had the nerve to scoff at that! "Like you would know anything about football or my place in it."

"Really? Alright fine. Seth Alexander Evens. 6'0". #20. Quarterback. Never lost a game in his career, even if it was just a scrimmage." He looked at me stunned. "Face it Seth, you're an open book. You lead your team to victory and let everyone else praise you over every little detail."

"That's not all I'm about." He argues.

That was my turn to scoff. "Please, what else is there to you? Maybe the fact that every guy wants to be you. Or that every girl wants you but you are the heartless jerk that won't settle for just anyone." I say on a roll.

Seth is silent for a bit and then mumbles "Can we just get this dinner done and over with? Please."

And that was the last word said for another hour. His grandparents house was on the opposite side of Libby a ways. So the whole rest of the ride was spent in pure, awkward, gay baby worthy, silence.

When we finally arrived I was so glad for the chance to get out of that stuffy truck, I swear the silence was slowly choking both Seth and I. I stepped out and took the chance to look around at the decent sized farm and old yet inviting house where an elderly woman had just stepped out and was greeting us. Seth placed his hand on my back, lightly pushing me in the woman's direction and also shooting sparks down my spine.

"Hello dear! I'm Mavis and this here is Dan. You must be Alexis. I've heard so much about you, I just had to invite you over so I could meet you in person!" Mavis said happily while pulling me in for a hug.

"Pama, don't smother her. We just got here." Seth said sternly but very kindly. Obviously showing respect for his grandmother.

"Oh shush! Seth, go help your grandfather park that old car of his and Alexis can help me set dinner." Mavis said smiling.

Seth looked reluctant but followed Dan to an old Model T while I followed Mavis into the house. It was older but absolutely beautiful.

"Alexis do you mind helping set table?" Mavis asked kindly.

"Absolutely not. Oh but do please call me Alex." I reply, quickly getting to work.

Once the boys came back in I caught sight of Seth, grease on his shirt and jeans, hair in an unruly mess... Complete and utter hotness... Stop!

Dinner went by quickly. Mavis was a bright, bubbly person where as Dan was more gruff but you could see the complete love for each other in their eyes. 'I really want that someday.' I thought to myself as we were getting ready to leave. Mavis came over to me and gave me a warm hug before I hopped in Seth's truck and whispered "Don't break my boy's heart." Then swiftly let me go, leaving me in a daze as I got in with Seth.

"What did she say?" He asked curiously.

"Oh umm, nothing really" I responded, still weirded out.

As we drove back to my house I couldn't help but voice my questions. "So... Why do you seem so close to you grandparents? I mean they live so far away and everything."

"Honestly, I spent most of my childhood there. That was my home." He answered truthfully.

"What about your parents and house in town?"

He hesitate before answering "My parents were only concerned about how much worth I could be to them. Like my dad is the coach and has an office with all of MY trophies in it.. Yet no pictures of me." He said, turning off the truck seeing as we were at my house. "He made me feel worthless, like all I was good for was getting trophies. I thought I would always see everyone else as worthless because of that... You changed my view on that now." He said walking away into the dark of the night.

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