The Perfect Date

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"Alex! Psst! Alex!" I heard someone whisper yell at me. "Alex! I swear if you don't wake up right now I will be even more cliche and start throwing rocks at you!" The voice kept saying.

I rolled over and mumbled something incoherent, this dream sure seemed life like.

"Alright have it your way." He said.

Just as I thought I would finally be able to sleep because the voice stopped, a rock was thrown at my face.

I was up now alright. "Seth!" I yelled angrily.

"What? I asked you nicely to get up and you didn't." He answered trying to look innocent. Oh gosh that face...

"Fine I'll let you off the hook, but what do you need at," I looked at my clock, "3:30 in the morning?!" I exclaimed looking at the crazy man outside my window.

"We are watching the sun rise. Now hurry up!" He said, already climbing down the tree outside my window.

I sighed because I really didn't want to get out of my comfy bed, but honestly I was excited. Seth and I had been doing this almost every morning now.

We would get up before the sun would rise and  sit on top of the house or barn and just talk and watch the sun rise. Some days though the actions spoke more than the words... We never did anything more than kiss but honestly just the cute little moments where we would be laying there side by side were what I thrived for.

Gone was the boy who I thought was just a player, and what was left was a man who knew how to treat a girl right.. Who knew how to treat ME right.

The one bad thing about this all was that I had no idea what we were. We never went out on another 'date' after after my birthday, yet we spent every spare moment together and I was truly happy with him.

All these thoughts were running through my head as I pulled on jean shorts, a tank top and one of Seth's sweatshirts that I had come to wearing just about every night.

I hopped out my window and climbed down the tree to meet Seth. We walked hand in hand up to the barn and soon found ourselves relaxing on the barn roof.

Seth was playing with my fingers and I was laying contently in his arms when he decided to say "So.. Uhmm... I was thinking tonight maybe I could take you out on a date...?" He was nervous I could tell an just got this look of pure hopefulness. How can a girl resist that?

I smiled at his  expression and said "Well I guess I could squeeze you in somewhere in my busy schedule." I teased. Seth didn’t even catch my remark, only smiled widely and went back to just laying there with me.

The rest of the day was pretty normal, dad knew about Seth and I considering Seth asked him about taking me out first, so of course dad had a little fun with that. But soon enough it was 9 and Seth was knocking on the door.

"See you later dad! Love you!" I yell as I bounded down the stairs and into Seth's arms. "Now, where are we going?" I asked excitedly.

He just laughed. "You'll see, its a surprise." He said smiling. I wasn't a huge fan of surprises but with Seth, I knew he had something great planned.

We hopped in his truck and were off. The ride didn't take very long and soon we were parked out in a field near the edge of a cliff. The view was absolutely amazing. The setting sun going down beneath the cliff, with trees surrounding the little secluded field. The perfect date.

"Seth..." I started to say.

"Just wait, this isn't all." He said hopping out and coming around the truck to help me out. He took a hold of my hips and eased me down to the ground. He was looking at me like I was his world as he smiled and leaned in to give me a quick kiss.

I leaned in to give him another but he just chuckled and pulled me to the back of his truck. I was confused until I saw him lifting up the cover on the bed if the pickup to reveal a mattress with blankets and pillows all piled up.

Seth looked at me with a cheeky smile. "I figured this would be perfect for a date. Especially considering its us." He said while smiling goofily.

"Its absolutely perfect Seth." I said, staring at this amazing boy in front of me.

"Just like you." He replied pulling me towards him and lifting me up onto the mattress. When we were all comfy I snuggled up into Seth as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Can time just stop now? This is perfect, I never want to leave." I murmured into Seth's chest.

"Well you know what they say, if you stop right now you will never know what you may have just missed." He said.

I looked at him questioningly, that was pretty deep, even for him.

He avoids eye contact for a bit before saying "Its not perfect, at least not yet." He replied starting to play with my fingers, a habit he did when he was nervous.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously looking up to meet Seth's eyes which he was avoiding still. "Seth?"

He cleared his throat. "All I mean is that... We aren't really official.. Are we?" He answered awkwardly.

I smiled, knowing where this was hopefully going. "I don't know... You never really asked..." I said dropping the hint.

"Well... Then Alexis Rose Streets, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked with the biggest grin on his face.

"Yes, Seth Alexander Evens, I will be your girlfriend. But that means you are stuck as my boyfriend too." I teased him happily.

"I think I can deal with that." He joked back, starting to play with my fingers again, this time because he was perfectly happy.

"Seth.. College starts in a few weeks, and I think I'm going to-" I started to say but he cut me off.

"Right now, everything is perfect. Lets leave that way for now." He said smiling down at  me. His eyes said he was nervous about the future too, but he wanted to be with me right now and that was all there was to it.

And he was right. We could worry but there was still us right now.

Soon enough I forgot we even talked about it. The subject was dropped and we just stayed there all night, together in each other's arms.

Seth was right. This was perfect.

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