Chuck E Cheese For My Birthday?

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"Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing, let the whole world know that today is a day of reckoning. Let the weak feel strong, let the right be wrong. Throw the stones away, let the guilty pay, its Independence Day!" I sang while dancing around my room. As the song turned off I was almost disappointed because I loved that song but then I heard my other favorite song...

"Chuck E Cheese, for my birthday! Chuck E Chuck E Cheese for my birthday. Chuck E Cheese, for my birthday! Chuck E Chuck E Cheese for my birthday, its my birthday y'all!" I yelled while laughing at the ridiculous radio commercial.

"So I assume that today is Independence Day and also your birthday?" Seth asks, leaning on my door frame and making me jump.

"Even though both of those are correct, you really shouldn't assume." I say, smirking at what I was about to say.

"Why not?" Seth asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

"Because when you assume you make an ass out of you and me." I tell him smirking. It was the highlight of my day so far to watch his face go from confusion, to realization, amusement, anger, revenge.. Wait... Revenge?

Before I could have time to react, Seth had already jumped for me, tackling me to my bed and starting a tickle war. Though I don't think its much of a war if one party isn't able to defend themselves.

"Seth! Stop!" I yelled in between laughing. Is it possible to laugh so hard that your abs are getting a workout? Yeah, probably.

"No way princess!" You asked for it." Seth responded smiling. Wait.. He never smiled like that... This is different... But in a good way.

"Please! Seth! Stop!" I said still laughing. "I'll do anything, just stop!" I said, not even realizing what I was saying, just trying to give my abs a break.

Seth stopped. Thank goodness!! "You'll do anything?" He asked smirking.

I froze as I realized what I had said.

"I'm going to take your silence as a yes." He told me.

"Well... What do you want me to do then?" I asked nervously.

He smiled so I knew it couldn't be too bad... I hope. "Let me take you out tonight." He stated simply.

"Like.. A date?" I ask cautiously.

"If that's what you want to call it Princess." He says smiling down at me. Wait that means...

"Hey Al! Happy Birthd- am I intruding on something?" My dad asks curiously and he's smirking.

At that point I finally realize what position we are in. Seth is on top of me and has my arms pinned to my bed. I blush a bright red. Honestly, a tomato would be jealous. I push Seth off as quickly as that thought clears my head and immediately reply to my dad "No! You were not intruding on anything!!"

"Actually sir," Seth cuts in, "I was going to ask for you permission to take Alex out for her birthday tonight." He finishes off, looking hopefully at my father.

"Absolutely Seth. Thank you for asking permission. I like that in a boy. Just take care of my baby girl. This is her first date so she better be treated right." My dad says in a daze. The second he said baby girl I knew he was thinking about mom. Which is the only reason I let him off the hook about the whole 'My First Date' thing.

But true to my word the second he left the room I could hear him saying "Oh Maddie... If only you could see our daughter right now. You would be so proud."

I started tearing up... Dad was always strong for me but I knew he missed her so much. Their love was like no other... It was the kind of love I wanted so badly. And seeing dad and mom and Dan and Mavis made me want it all the more.

Seth pulled me out of my thoughts by saying "Be ready around 9, wear whatever but its supposed to be a pretty hot night." He kisses me quickly on the cheek and then leaves my room.

Unfortunately I didn't have the time I wanted to think over what just happened, I had to go to the annual parade on Main Street and then dad and I went out to eat. This year unfortunately the topic over dinner was Seth and I. Dad tried to get anything and everything out of me but since I didn't really have much to tell the subject was dropped. Once home, dad showed me my present: a new four wheeler. It was even my favorite color: orange. I thanked him loads and attacked him with a hug which he returned. "Al, I get you're happy, but you don't need to kill me with hugs! What you can do though is get ready for your date." He said winking.

Shoot! It was already 8:30!

I ran upstairs to take a quick shower. To make matters easier I braided my hair quickly and threw on a pair of shorts and a green tank top.

Just as I was slipping on my cowboy boots Seth knocked on the door.

"Hey." I said awkwardly.

"Hey." He replied smiling. "Shall we?" He asked.

"We shall." I said laughing a little.

"Have fun kids! Just not too much fun!" My dad yelled.

I blushed a deep red and got out of there as quickly as possible. "So where are we going?" I asked impatient to leave.

"Its a surprise but I was thinking we could at least take your new ride." He said motioning to my four wheeler.

"Ok..." I said unsurely but got on.

And we were off. I have no idea how we got there but suddenly we were at a little waterfall hidden  in the woods.

"Its beautiful." I whispered in awe.

"Just like you." Seth whispered in my ear while sliding his arms around my sides and lacing his fingers on my stomach. I shiver at the touch and he takes it the wrong way.

"You're cold? Here use this." Seth said, putting his sweatshirt on me. It was warm and soft and smelt like him: woodsy with a hint of Axe. I was instantly calmed  and melted into Seth's arms giving him a huge hug which he returned. This had to be the best moment of my life.

"Thank you so much Seth." I said into his chest.

"That's not all." He said right as fireworks starting going off from town, but they were even more beautiful out here. I looked at Seth in awe  and as he leaned in I did too. As soon as our lips met sparks flew. It was my first kiss and absolutely perfect. Seth pulled back and put his forehead on mine smiling.

"Happy Birthday Princess."

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