The Day After

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     The next day was an awkward mix of trying to avoid Seth and trying to avoid my dad.   The first reason being pretty obvious. The second being that my dad could tell when I have something to hide from him. The minute I had gotten downstairs my dad had called me out on looking and acting weird.

 Well I think if he had been up crazy late thinking about how an amazingly hot- but horribly egotistical guy almost kissed you, he would be acting weird too!  To avoid the whole conversation I said I was going to make breakfast. Eggs and bacon! A farmer's expectation of a good breakfast.

As I was pulling everything out to make breakfast I kept going over everything that happened last night. The loft, Seth, almost falling, and then the almost kiss... I don't get how it is only the first day of summer and we already almost kissed! This isn't possible. We hated each others guts. Yet... The way he had held me and looked into my eyes... No! Alex! No more thinking about He Who Shall Not Be Named. HWSNBN... Yeah, that will be his new name to me.

 I pull myself out of my thoughts as I begin to make the eggs and bacon, and just because i need an extra something to take up more time I mix up some pancake mix also. Nothing like some old style home cooking to take your mind off of things.

"Hey Seth do you mind helping set the table?" I heard dad say.

"Sure, no problem. Everything is in the kitchen right?" Seth asked.

"Yeah, straight through there." My dad replied.

 Before I even had time to register what was happening Seth pushed through the kitchen door and froze when he saw me standing there. The silence seemed to drag on forever until he awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Uhmm... I just have to get plates and the works." He mumbled out.

"Oh yeah. Here, I'll just get them for you real quick." I started rambling under my breath while turning around to get plates from the cupboard behind me. They were on a higher shelf so I had to reach up a bit to grab them, causing my shirt to ride up  a bit. I heard a sharp intake of breath but didn't seem to think anything of it until I felt large warm hands on the little exposed flesh and fingers barely inching up under the hem of my shirt. The touch caused me to jump a little and tense up. But the feeling of lips on my neck made my body go weak and limp in the muscular arms that were now holding me up. "Seth, what do you think you are doing?" I ask breathily.

"Getting plates." He answered and suddenly my whole body was cold from the loss if his body. Seth took the plates from me and left the kitchen as quick as possible.

 As soon as he left I sagged against the counter and took a minute to regain myself.  'How did he do that to me?' I thought to myself. I felt as if my whole body had turned to jelly, and when he kissed my neck I thought he was injecting my veins with liquid fire.

 The smell of burning eggs pulled me from my thoughts.

"Shoot!" I yell while pulling them off of the stove and chucking the burnt parts into the garbage.

"Al? Is everything ok in there? Should Seth come help you?" My dad starts asking me.

"No!! I mean, ummm, no I'm fine." I quickly reply, dishing up the remaining eggs, bacon, and pancakes and bringing them out to the dining room.

Breakfast went by quickly but awkwardly. Seth kept trying to catch my gaze and I kept avoiding it. And then there was my dad who was oblivious to it all.

After breakfast was over I had to go out to help around the yard.  Now that Seth was here to do the fieldwork, I was left to simple things. Mowing lawn, moving equipment, picking eggs from our chicken coop, etc. I honestly would have been happier out on the tractor. In no time I was finished with just about everything I could do so I decided to use my down time by doing the other things I love.

I quickly ran up to my room, grabbing my iPhone, notebook and camera. After I had everything, I headed up to the barn roof. I sat down and turned up the music on my phone and then put my notebook in my lap. I loved belting out my favorite songs while also writing. I loved creative writing, but that was my little secret. No one else knew about it. I also loved taking pictures from here, the view was amazing.

I soon lost track of time in my own little world and when I finally looked at the time I realized it was 1, an hour after I should have had lunch made and put out for the guys! I picked up my stuff and ran as fast as I could back to the house. When I got in I was greeted by the sight of my dad sitting at the table with a plate full of grilled cheese sandwiches.

"I'm so sorry dad! I totally lost track of time." I said, feeling horrible that he had to come in and bother making lunch when he could be out working.

"Its fine Al! Except, since I did have to make lunch, you can take it out to Seth in Sullivan's field. I have to run into town, see you later." He said giving me a kiss on the forehead and leaving.

I sighed, putting a couple sandwiches in a container and heading out to one of our 3 wheelers. I hopped on and drove the two miles out to Sullivan's and looked out to see where Seth was. In the middle of the field was a big green tractor with the boy I despised on it... With no shirt on... Oh Joy.

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