Prince Farming

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The next few weeks, Seth and I were perfectly content with everything. I know everyone says its just a honeymoon phase, but we were both too headstrong to let anyone tell us what may or may not happen in the future.

The future... The one word that was also slowly destroying me. College was coming up so quickly and I never really got a chance to tell Seth that I had been accepted into Washington State on a full writing scholarship which I desperately needed and wanted. But I had no idea how to tell him that I was  going into another state for the next 4 years. It was hard enough to leave dad but now Seth too...

"Alex! How's my princess doing this morning?" Speak of him and he shall appear.

"I'm good." I said vaguely, still worrying over the college thing.

"Hey, hey, hey." He said as I started to walk away. "Princess, what's wrong? I know that look, you are over thinking something." He finished, grabbing a hold of me and tracing circles on my back to calm me.

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest. This position had become so natural to me lately. "Seth, we still haven't talked about what we are doing for college. I hate to say this but I need to tell you. I was accepted into WSU on a full writing scholarship. I've worked for it my whole life and I really needed the scholarship but now there is you and, and..." I was going on and on and was starting to hyperventilate. I couldn't stop freaking out. Seth was my life but writing was my passion.

My thoughts were cut off the second Seth put his lips on mine. I was instantly only thinking about the feeling of sparks running down my spine. I know I never believed in the whole 'fireworks and fairytales' thing, but Seth was my prince farming.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer to him. All of our emotions were poured into the kiss. I'll never get sick of this feeling.

He pulled away slowly and put his forehead on mine. We were both breathing hard from the kiss.

"Can I talk now?" Seth asked after catching his breath. His voice was lower and husky from the kiss too, distracting me like crazy. It also didn't help that with each word he said, his lips were brushing against mine. So i just nodded for him to continue.  "To start out... This summer has been amazing. I came here looking for a little job to pass the time. And then I found you. We have been through crazy ups and downs. We hated each other even, and now look where we are. And there isn't even the slightest chance of breaking us apart now because.. Well I'll admit I was freaking out just like you. But because I was accepted on a full football scholarship to WSU also. I was so scared to leave you, Alex. You are my life now. I couldn't bare to lose you and now I don't have to. We are going to college together and we will concur it together. I love you princess." He said smiling like he won the lottery.

All I could do was smile. That was all I had wanted to hear.

You know that saying, ‘We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars’? Well, that's what I was doing now. I looked at Seth with the stars in my eyes and said "I love you too Seth."

And we sealed it with a kiss.


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