Huckleberries and Cows

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*Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!*

I spring up out of bed, having this routine stuck in my head like glue.

Today is the last day of my senior year. I can't believe this school year has gone by so fast.

I get up and quickly change into everyday clothes so I can get out to the barn and help my dad with chores.

As I get out to the barn I see my dad walking out already.

"Dad!" I yell at him, knowing he knows how much I love to help him.

"Sorry Al, I know you wanted to be out here. But it's your last day of school! You shouldn't have to stink like the barn." He tells me, using the nickname he gave me when I was two.

"I never do dad. I always shower afterwards." I state, while sticking my tongue out at him.

"I know sweetie, I'm just teasing you. How about you go and get ready for school and I'll make you your favorite breakfast."

"Pancakes with homemade huckleberry jam?" I ask grinning from ear to ear.

"You bet." He says smiling back at me.

"Thanks dad!" I yell, already running back into the house.

Once I get into my room, I'm on the hunt for the perfect outfit. It's actually pretty warm weather here, especially when it's already the beginning of June.

"Ok, jeans? No, to warm. Skirt? Wait... Since when do I have skirts? Cut offs? They'll have to do." I start mumbling to myself, deciding on my favorite pair of shorts that come half way down to my knees. I also chose a dark green t-shirt with the sleeves cut off.

As I start walking down the stairs, I smell the distinct smell of pancakes, bacon, an huckleberries. Now if you haven't ever had the chance to try huckleberries, you have seriously missed out on life.

I sit down at the table, immediately taking three pancakes, four slices of bacon and a heaping spoonful of huckleberry jam that I plop down onto my pancakes.

"Hungry much?" My dad asks trying to hold in his laughter.

"Yup! I worked up a HUGE appetite having to run to the barn and back." I say but it came out muffled due to the fact that I had a forkful of pancakes in my mouth.

"No talking with your mouth full." My dad said in a stern voice. Ironically though he had a load of pancakes in his mouth too.

We both looked at each other and simultaneously started laughing. It was crazy how much alike we were. My dad could keep me laughing for hours because he knew exactly what I found funny.

Once our laughter died down I asked him, "So how were the cows this morning?"

"Oh you know the usual. Franny was being stubborn and I couldn't get the dang cow to come in from the pasture." He said with a scowl. He never really did like that cow.

"Language daddy. And remember her name is Francesca." I finish saying in a British accent, trying to sound posh.

"And don't you forget it." Dad and I both say at the same time. That's what mom used to always say about her cows. They were special and deserved special names then. So now we have Twila, Riviera, Sharpay and Sue Ellen, along with a mix of many other names including Bitch Cow. And trust me, that cow fully earned her name. Let's just say she doesn't like my dad trying to clean her hooves.  He had a good sized bruise on his shoulder after that. And the bruise was only an after effect of having his shoulder dislocated. Needles to say we had a fun day in the ER.

"Well, I suppose you should head for school Sweetie." Dad said, starting to clear the table.

"Ok, see you later daddy!" I yelled heading out the door.

"Oh, Alex! I hired a new farm hand. He starts tonight!"

"You did WHAT?!"

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