What Almost Happened?

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"Dad, what is HE doing here?" I ask in a deathly calm voice. How dare that.. THING come on to  my property!

"Al, this is the new farm hand I was telling you I hired. This is Seth Evens. Seth, this is my daughter." My dad said, completely oblivious to the rising tension in the room.

"Wait a second. You said you had one kid. Alex!" Seth says, fuming with controlled fury.

"Yeah, thats my name. Alexis. Alex for short." I explain grumpily, knowing my dad did this all on purpose.  

"Great! Now that you two have met each other, time for food!" Dad yells happily, knowing he had won... For now.

 So we all slowly walk into the kitchen. As the smell of lasagna hits my nose I almost get the urge to cry. We haven't had lasagna since mom died. And my dad just so happens to choose today of all days to make it.

 I felt completely betrayed as he and Seth start having a great in depth conversation while dishing out huge plates of lasagna.

"Come on Al! Dig in. It's your favorite." Dad said looking up at me as I just stared at the lasagna blank faced.

 I slowly sat down next to my dad and across from Seth. All throughout supper I kept my head down just looking at the slowly diminishing amount of lasagna on my plate. Unfortunately the whole time I was doing that, I got the nagging feeling that Seth was watching me, trying to burn a hole into my head to find out what I was thinking.

 The answer to that complex riddle? Nothing. I was completely and utterly numb inside. And I didn't dare try to think anything through, avoiding the possibility of snapping, or crying... Or both.

     When my dad started another conversation I was pulled out of my trance. "So Seth, I hear you got a football scholarship. Why did you choose to work here over the summer?"

     Thats no surprise. Seth was the quarterback of our football team and everyone in our school is always talking about how amazing of a player he is.

"I decided to get a good, hard working job because I know with football it going to be non stop training and not a lot of down time. So I wanted to do something I enjoy before getting hit by real life." Seth says as if he has said it a million times.

"You enjoy farming? Since when?" I ask, not being able to control it. I mean come one. Is this supposed to be some sort of prank reality tv show?

 My dad gives me a look that says I better not try and push it, while Seth gives me a stone cold glare.

"I always have. My grandparents own a farm about an hour away and I've always loved going there to work. Unfortunately its a little far." He explains icily.

"But our house in 40 minutes away from Libby. Your grandparents' house wouldn't be much further!" I argue. "Lets face it, I don't like you, you don't like me. and the sooner we can establish that, the sooner you can get the heck out of here."

"Alex!" My dad yells, but both Seth and I are too far gone to notice.

"Trust me, I've known that for quite some time. And I also know that you are just a spoiled brat."

"Really? Because as of this morning you didn't even know my name." I tell him.

"Honey you wish I would have known you name."

"Never. But you know what i would like to know? How far you would run after au shove my boot so far up your ass that-"

"Enough!!!" My dad yells, cutting me off. "Put your plate in the sink and go to your bedroom Alexis!"

"Gladly." I say and storm off. How dare that little prick come into my life thinking he can still have it all revolve around him.

 I stay up in my room trying to cool my temper for hours on end but end up sneaking out of my window knowing there was only one solution.

 I hop onto the branch of the big oak tree next to my window and scurry down and run over to the old barn. I climb the stairs up to the loft and head right over to the ladder that leads to the roof without turning on the lights, I know the way by heart.

 Once I get onto the roof I sit down near the peak. The view is beautiful when the sun is just going down or coming up. Its almost midnight though so its pretty dark  but I can still see the silhouette of the mountains in the distance.

 Those mountains can be the most beautiful yet tragic places in this town. To me they just make me feel closer to my mom. If only she were here, she would know what to do.

 As I got lost in my thoughts, I never heard someone crawling up the ladder and making their way over to me.

"What are you doing up here?" I hear a deep voice ask.

 Unfortunately it surprised me so much that I jumped and my feet lost their grip on the roof.

 As I started slipping and falling towards the edge and my inevitable death, I closed my eyes thinking about how I would finally be with my mom.

 I never made the hard impact with the ground though. A set of strong arms quickly grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was inches away from Seth.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, blushing from the proximity.

"Saving your life? I know I rejected you, but you don't need to turn suicidal."

"I wasn't trying to fall, you surprised me." I mumbled.

"With my amazing looks?"

"No with your empty head."

"I can make you empty headed."

"Doubt it."

"I can!"

"Prove it."

With each word said we were getting closer and I was forgetting everything. Just as our lips were about to touch a rooster crowed, making me realize what we were doing and push Seth away, our eyes both wide.

What almost happened...?

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