Chapter 14

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Sorry I haven't updated as much! Fucking school is getting in the way!! UGH! Anyways, enjoy! Thanks for your patience!

Bethanies POV..

"Harry... Marcel is perfect unlike you!" I snarl back. He just grunts.

"Listen! He is danger! Everyone says he's the nerd for a reason."

"And what's that reason?" I ask.

"Um..because he is one of course! Gosh Bethanie, you do not let me finish do you?" He asks with a hint of annoyance in his voice. I just sigh.

"Well if you weren't so damn slow at doing it!!" He just groans!

"Okay listen, Marcel hangs out with people that I'm afraid will change you. Marcel does drugs and hangs out with gangs. His friends forced him to try it. Now, he can't stop. He never smells like crack because he always makes sure that he can smell nice and fruity. Soon, he's going to take advantage of you. And you will be back there with them doing crack everyday. And I don't want that happening to you Beth! Just understand that I like you and you don't deserve this!" I roll my eyes. First off, I've never had boys fight over me! Second of all, Harry is lying. Marcel is to nice and sweet to do that! Hes just jealous!

"Harry, I would love to believe you but I just can't right now! After what you did to me, it was tuff! Now I have to make a pond, build a bridge, and get over it. There's no other way. Im sorry, but Marcel is a nice guy that I love and care for. You can't change that. Please understand though that, I don't hate you I just can't believe you right at this moment." His moan tells me how his mood is.

"Beth.. Fine! Just don't come crying to me when he hurts you or anything like that! I'm making a pond, building a bridge, and getting over it cause no one ever seems to believe me! Ever! I was just warning you!!" He sounds badly hurt. I can't feel more sorry!

"Harry, it's not like that...."

"Just shut up! Good bye!" And hangs up the phone. Oh my god. He told me to shut up! Well I'm stuck in a pickle here. In going and investigating who Marcel follows. Because not that I believe Harry, I just want to see. Maybe he is trying to protect me. And care for me. Or maybe, he's just jealous over Marcel for getting me. Im just so lost and lonely right now. Then my phone dings.

"Hey!!! Hun I'm sorry!" It's Louis. I throw down my phone and stomp into the kitchen. Jesus I am just so popular right now aren't I? Ha, I've never been popular! I run upstairs, slide into some pjs and watch a movie called The Notebook. Of course I start to cry and weep in front of the screen. Just then there's a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I whimper. The door slowly creeps open. My mom stands there grinning. Dammit it's only 6 o clock! Oh well.

"Someone's here to see you!" I furrow my eyebrows. Then cross my fingers hoping that it's Marcel. Im shocked at who walks through that door. Liam Payne. Leader of football and track. Oh my god. My mom winks and closes the door. I pick up my phone and stand. My mascara is all over the place.

"Have you been crying? Did he hurt you?" He asks urgently running over to me. I shake my head.

"It's just this movie! Very emotional. Now what are you doing here?" I ask. He sighs and grabs my cheeks.

"I'm sorry love. For everything. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. That night was horrible. It went worse than I thought! Were all sorry! But you know that Marcel is trouble right? That's why I thought you were hurt. Babe you have no idea!" This has got to be the most fanciest thing a person has ever told me. I remember the night we kissed. His soft, sweet lips pressed to mine. It hurts to know that I want to kiss him again.

"Can I kiss you?" I blurt out on accident. After I cover my mouth he smirks. Right when I uncover my mouth his lips meet mine. It's sweet and caring. Full of pure love. GODAMMIT!! WHO AM I FALLING FOR?? IN DATING SOMEONE ALREADY! SHIT! His hand reaches my bum in a slow, loving way. It turns me on. Then I pull away gasping.

"I.....Can't......Believe.......I.......just..did...that....." He then recognizes I'm dating someone.

"I'm so sorry! Um I should be going, um..." I grab his arm.

"Could you stay Liam? I need compony! Please?" I ask politely. He smiles and nods. As we sit down and I press my back against Liam's chest, I think to myself, there should be more Liam's in the world!


Sorry again for the wait! MIDNIGHT MEMORIES IS THEIR NEW ALBUM NAME!!! OMFG!!! YEAH! Well enjoy, vote, fan, comment!! And #PrayForAndy! I absolutely love Liam! he's so kind, caring, sweet, and sensitive! You are per-fect!

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