Chapter 32

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Bethanies POV...

I wobble up to the airport building faking a smile and waving at random people. To be honest, I'm lost. I don't even know where Marcel is. I'm just taking a wild guess.

"Can I help you ma'm? l" A brunette with wide blue eyes looks me up and down trying to smile.

"Yah, where can I get a plane ticket?" I ask shoving my phone back into my pocket. She quirks an eyebrow and frowns.

"Ma'm, this is a Nationwide building. The airport is right across the street." She points out the large glass doors. I roll my eyes and thank her.

"No problem! Would you like some assistance?" She happily asks. I weigh my odds.

If she goes, I get a new friend and a plane buddy.

If she doesn't go, I'm alone, don't get any new friends, and I'm a loner for life.

"Sure, that would be great!" I exclaim as she helps me cross the street. I can't believe she's actually helping someone she barely knows.

"Thanks, what's your name by the way?" I question. She picks up my purse and slings it across her shoulder.

"Oh yah, I'm June. What's yours?" We start slowly walking up to the airport. Is this a good idea? I have no fucking clue.

"I'm Bethanie. Nice to meet you!" I stick out my hand to shake hers.


"Fasten your seat belts ladies and gentlemen! We are now taking off!" The pilot says as the plane jerks forward. I've never been to fond of Airplanes. They kinda, creep me out. I don't know.

"Hey, calm down. You're stiff." June pats my shoulder softly. I close my eyes and think of Marcel.

I soon let darkness consume me.


"BETHANIE, WAKE UP!" I'm startled awake by June who is violently shaking me.

"AHH! OKAY IM AWAKE!" I scream in her ear. She laughs and gets out of her seat.

"So where to?" June pulls me up and we run off the plane before I can explain. She must've gotten a good nap!

"We are going to the hospital." I say. She giggles and shakes her head.

"Of all the things you could do here, you would go to the hospital?" She questions me, clearly confused. I shake my head.

"No, my boyfriend is waiting over there." I hold up my hand for a taxi. It stops and we both climb in. I think this is the first time I've been in one. Haha, I feel like a pro!

"Ohhh, that makes sense. What's his name?" Her facial expression changes like that from happy to excited.

"Marcel!" I blush deeply as she 'ohhhs'. I laugh and slap her arm.

"Be careful June Bug!" I warn her easily letting her off the hook. She smirks as we pull into the hospital parking lot.

"Thanks!" I say handing the driver a 20. He nods and waves us off.

"Could I help you?" The man at the desk winks in my direction. I roll my eyes and nod.

"Yea, could I please see Marcel Styles?" I ask. He shakes his head. Wow, people these days.

"Marcel Styles?," He asks typing on his computer. I tap my foot anxiously on the ground. He smiles and turns around.

"Room 195." He cheekily grins. I thank him and run off with June. She follows closely behind me.

"195." I whisper outloud. I finally spot the number and bust through the door.

"Marcel?" I ask/whisper. His face turns towards mine and goes wide.

Although, it's not Marcel. It.... Harry.

"Oh my god Harry!" I run over to the bed and untie the rope around his mouth. He groans and stands up, enclosing me in a tight hug.

"You need to go. Now. He's already searching for you." He warns looking me directly in the eye. His sparkle green like the color of Summer.

"What? Harry what do you mean, slow down." I breath out, sitting down on the bed. He pulls me back up and pushes me out.

"Marcel, he's trying to kidnap you. He thought if he could lure you in, you would be an easy goal. But I know you. You're strong. Now leave." He ushers me. I moan and push through the cracked door.

"We need to talk. I'm not leaving." I say. Harry runs his hands through his hair and shakes his head.

"No time to explain Beth!" I put my hands softly on his arms and kiss him.

I let go after a minute and reopen my eyes.

"Now, care to explain." I say. He smirks and sits me down.

"I hate you...." He groans. I giggle and shake my hands.

"No no no, I hate you more!" His smile turns down into a frown.

"Anyways, this happened to another girl one day when I found her dead in his basement...." Harry starts.

Oh Jesus.


Sorry it's been so long! Jeez! ITS GOING DOWN. IM YELLING TIMBER! lol I love that song!

So, what'd you think? Love it, hate it, or ah, it's okay? Let me know because this book is taking an extreme turn. Trust me!

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