Chapter 3

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Bethanies pov..

"Hello hun! How was your first day?" My mom asks when I get in the kitchen. I throw my stuff down.

"Hey! What's up with you?" She says more harshly.

"Sorry, it's just everyone at school calls me a nerd. And I got another detention!" I say slumping down in my seat.

"Bethanie Lynn! Are you serious? Why?" She asks all in once. My groans start coming out now.

"Because I bumped into this Niall guy. And his friend Zayn got mad at me and told the principal that I pushed him. So she believed him and I got a detention. Simple as that." I sigh. My mom hands me a cup of tea. The door slams closed and in comes my dad.

"Hey Beth! How was your first day?" He asks. I don't want to explain again.

"Lets just say dad, horrible! I couldn't do anything without getting into trouble. And at school, I'm a nerd!" I scream and run upstairs. I cross my arms and grunt.

"Stupid jocks!" I say. It's almost 8:00 already! Jesus! I get out my favorite book and read it until I slowly drift off into a deep sleep dreaming about the land of nerds.

"Wake up wake up wake up!!" My brother screams. I jump up in shock.

"Ow! That hurt Steven!!" I yell in pain. My dad rushes in.

"What the hell is going on in here?" He asks. I point to Steven.

"He hurt me!" I hold my stomach in pain. It actually hurts.

"Well she wouldn't get up!" Steven complains.

"Steven, to your room now! Beth get dressed!" My dad scowls at us. Steven leaves with is head hung low. I close and lock my door. I am 17! I have two more months until I turn 18 finally! Most of the kids in my class already have flats. I pick out denim shorts with a white shirt. I put on my thick glasses again and brush my hair. I grab my pink bookbag and head downstairs to find my mom cooking.

"Well good morning!" She says with a surprised expression.

"What?" I ask.

"Your just up really early! Unusual!" I giggle. I have to be out the door in 10 minutes. Steven stumbles down the stairs.

"Slow down!" My mom says putting her hands up. He steadies himself and sits across from me. His hair slicked back in a quiff.

"Hey sis!" I snort and eat the rest of my pancakes. My mom always cooks in the morning. Never missed a day. I look at the clock. Oh no!

"Gotta go mom! Love yah see yah bye!" I say quickly. I hear her laugh as I leave and shut the door behind me. The bus stops right when I get there. As I get on a new group of people are sitting in the back. A group of......nerds? I head back and sit beside a girl with glasses also. The bus starts and she turns to me.

"Hello! My name is Veronica! What's yours?" She asks holding out her hand. I shake it.

"Bethanie!" She smiles.

"Well these are my friends, Marcel!" A guy with thick glasses like mine holds out his hand. He's wearing kakis and a buttoned up shirt. I shake his soft hand. Man their soft. Almost reminds me of Harry's?

"Hello Bethanie!" Marcel says.

"This is Leroy!" A guy with leg warmers and a loose shirt holds out his hand.

"Hi! I teach yoga!" He says. Ah that makes sense!

"This is Harvey!" A guy with a nerdy type suit on shakes my hand. He's a bit chubby. Not that I'm the one to judge but still.

"Hi! I tutor!" He says shaking my hand. I nod!

"And this is Johnny!" He also wears a nerdy suit like Marcel's almost but in a different way.

"Hello love! I also tutor!"

"Well I'm Bethanie and love to sing!" I say. They nod in agreement.

"Veronica here sings also. We kinda sing together!" Leroy says.

"Really? Awesome! So what class are you guys in?" I ask curious to see if I have a class with them.

"All of us are in Miss. Greens first!" Marcel says. He's actually pretty cute for a nerd. Slicked back curly hair. Seriously reminds me of Harry! And I know this sounds weird but Veronica kinda looks like Zayn. But she's a girl. And nice! Zayn was rude and not welcoming. A guy looks behind the seat.

"You nerds again? Why don't you just leave this school. You aren't here half the time. Oh and perfect, Bethanie actually fits in!" He says with a smirk. How does he know my name? Well I'm known as the nerd so what's the difference?

"Hey dick? She is new and kind. You should be kind to her! You are acting like a bitch!" Johnny says standing up. The bus stops.

"I'll be seeing you in the bathroom!" The guys says before getting off. Johnny gulps.

"John? Wait is it okay that I call you that?" He nods.

"John thank you but I don't want you to get hurt!" I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Nah, it's fine! If anything, I don't want you getting hurt!" He says. I smile and nod! Wow these people are nice! We are the last people off of course but I don't see Zayn, Niall, Harry, Louis, or Liam. Remember me talking about them yesterday? Well they kinda hang around each other. Maybe they decided to skip. I hate people that skip! It just doesn't make sense. Well as we head in I find out that we are all spread out with our locker numbers. Marcel is 50, Leroy is 12, Harvey is 114, Veronica is 78, Johnny is 34, I'm......1. Great! We all go spectate ways. I get into my locker and get my things. That same guy comes up.

"Get out of my way!" He shoves my locker closed. I snort and fix my glasses. He gets out a huge binder full of stuff. I don't even know what's stuffed in there and I don't want to know. God people are such idiots! I see a condom sticking out. I gag on my spit. Oh my Jesus Christ! I lock it up and leave. Marcel finds me.

"Hey! Do you know who that is?" I ask. He looks over and smirks.

"Yeah, that's Ray Ray. He's the most popular guy on school. Why you asking?" He asks.

"Because my locker is right by his and he's rude!" I say. He looks me in the eyes. They are green and sparkling with light. He has plump pink lips. And his hands are just amazingly soft.i would die to touch them again. He grabs my arm.

"Lets get to class! Don't want to be late on the second day of school!" We head upstairs and into the class. He sits right next to me. Veronica in front, Johnny behind me, Harvey behind Marcel. Veronica is wide awake. I don't know how though. I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm yawning every five minutes. I raise my hand for almost every question. People chant nerd and laugh at me. Who cares? No one!


You go Bethanie! Okay well thanks for the reads! Love y'all!

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