Jason's horror

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When Jason awoke he was in a hospital room.  He was not confused about being there because he

remembered what had happened. He looked at his arms and, paws. Jason frowned, His entire right arm had been converted, while his left was only half converted starting from his hand-paw.

"Ah, good, your awake."

Said a doctor that walked into the room. He left the door open.

"Your family has been notified and they are currently in the waiting room, but first, I need to check some things."

Jason nodded. He looked outside the door, he could see his family and Beyond's in the waiting room. Sora was sitting there with his hood off with his family, he looked embarrassed.

"Please stand up and stand in a T postion."

Jason did as told, he noticed his tail was out. The doctor got out a X-ray and took a look at Jason.

"Ok, same as last time... well, except the tail." The doctor then took out a chart.

"Alright, if you experience various amounts of pain or signs of sickness, please return here."

said the doctor.

"-W-Why would I experience that?"

"Because your breathing and digestive tracks have been altered. You now have more powerful lungs, and your digestive track now uses all of the nutrients in food you eat instead of creating waste. I'm not sure how it works but I am not allowed to find out."

The doctor gave Jason a note and sent him outside. Almost as soon as he walked out he was incased in a hug by his mother.

"Oh my god! Jason are you ok!? does it hurt? are you felling alright?"

Asked his mother.

"Yes mom, I'm fine, I think..."

Replied Jason.

"Good, then lets go home, the hospital says its a bad idea to linger here." said his father

Jason just noticed how many people were gathered in the waiting room. The room was completely full of parents and siblings, and a few infected still waiting to be checked out, such as Sora.

"Come on, lets go."

urged Jason's father. he lead them out of the building, and into their car in the parking lot. they begain to drive home quiet.

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