Pokemon fight.

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No one in the group knew what to expect. But they did know they were in for a fight with Arlix! Sora, Kingdom, and Kory had all been ruled out due to Sora's tiredness, and the fact that Kingdom and Kory did not trust anyone. this left Jason and Beyond vs Arlix. 

Arlix made the first move, vines came out of his back and tried to whip Jason and Beyond. Both easly doged.

"Here, let me take over."

Said a voice in Jason's head. Jason gladly did so, but this time, it did not go black, he could see the battle! Jason watched as he saw Beyond use a ice punch on Arlix, who surprisingly did not try to get out of they way.

Jason watched as his body charged forward, jumping when he got to Arlix, spinning, and wacking Arlix with a Iron tail. Beyond was occupied surrounding himself in water, preferably about to use aqua jet, and Jason, or whoever was controlling him, was knocked back from the force of his own attack. Arlix, took this as a chance to attack by, somehow, summinging a blade made out of what seemed to be leaves, to swing at the group, it hit both of them. Jason felt a massive amount of pain.

"What was that!?" 

'that would be a "leaf blade"'

"While you are still knocked down, may I ask what I address you by?"

'Just call me Blue'

 blue and, who was supposidly Beyond, get up

Beyond Surrounded himself in water, and leaped at Arlix. This caused a lot of damage. Arlix was starting to look weak now.

'Hey Jason, I need you to do something.'

"What is it?"

'Try to getall your energy into one position for me.'

Jason did as Blue told him, he was really surprised when he saw a green aora shear appear in his Paws!

Blue threw the sphere, suddenly, Jason was in control again! He looked up just in time to see Arlix get knocked out by a combination of his, and Beyonds moves.

"Why was it green?!"

'The color of ones aora depends on thier persenality. a green one means they are kind, but strong.'

Phase here guys, just wanted to leave this here for other story creaters:

Blue aroa: Iron willed, smart.

Yellow aroa: Cocky, but skilled.

purple aroa: Very smart, but weak in a fight.

Green aroa: kind, but strong.

Red aroa: hot-headed, careing about friends.

clear aroa: has no personality, but will mimic the ones of those around them.

Black aroa: only people who have ether gone insane or are evil have a black aroa

so, who are you?

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