Hearing problems

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"what... Happened?"

Everyone in the room looked at Sora, and then around the room.


Stuttered Sora, all eyes landed on him.

"Sora? are you the one talking...?"

Asked Jason, the reason he asked this was because...

"yeah... why...?"

Asked Sora, his voice mimicking the sound and tone of a Umbreon, at least from what they knew a umbreon sounded like from the shows.

"because... "
Beyond started, but Kingdom started talking, Sora understood all of it clearly, Beyond and Jason getting only scraps of what was said.

-to kingdom, Kory, and Sora-

"because you'r voice sounds like on of us!"

Yelled Kingdom excitedly, as expected

"what? what do you mean, 'like one of you'"

Asked Sora, Kory responded

"you... sound like a umbreon from our world."
Sora went silent

-Back to normal-

Sora had just went silent, Jason and Beyond understood just te right amount to understand what the messege was. Sora's rings glowed faintly, aside from his breathing, he was not moveing.

-Small time skip-

no one knew what to do, or even say anything. It gave everyone some time to think, and not in a good way. Once they were thinking about it, Jason and Beyond almost instantly tried to think of something else, Sora's was completely crushed by the idea, although he did not show it. They never wanted to think about what were to happen to the human race if this poke virus gets out of control.

"well, I best get going home."

"Yeah, I agree with you."

Said Jason and Beyond, Beyond looked out the window, it was still day, but it was raining.

Sora stood up for the first time in s while.

"you two can go, I need some time to... think."

Said Sora, it still took some time for Beyond and Jason to remember it was him. the group walked to the door.

Jason was already out the door when he got a small headache.

'I recomened you get home now, you getting cut is speeding up your transformation without me.'

said Blue from inside Jason's mind.

''What? how?"

Asked Jason back.

'When Sora cut you, a small potion of his claws tore out with it, and your, uh, 'healing' of the cut also speeds it up'

Jason heard Blue stutter, so the instinct was his, and not blue trying to help him?

-Small time skip-

Jason looked and Beyond and Sora from his laptop, he had to go to school tomarrow, but he was still on a call with them.

Beyond seemed to also be having a headache, like him. Sora seemed to now be able to retract his claws at will, as well as the glow intensity of his rings. Beyond was on the first, and was on a good ten minuts faster then them, making Jason think his running speed had increased, considering the rain. Jason himself was practicing moveing things with his mind, he found out he could preform a small form of the 'bone rush' move, exept instead of a blue bone, its a green staff.

Jason shook his head to clear it, when he heard Blue start up

'Okay, I am not in control of this one, I'm sorry, but you will change now.'

said Blue, Jason already felt a huge headache comeing on. After a small amount of time, both his sight, and his hearing started to become murky. he held the sides of his head, Beyond on the other side did the same.

"you two okay?"

Sora's voice was very, very loud to Jason, but Beyond barly seemed to notice it.

Jason had to clench his teeth, more like fangs now, to not screem out in pain. his sight suddenly came back, but his hearing went haywire as all he heard was a loud static sound for a solid two minutes.

Once his hearing returned, and the pain died town. Jason reached for his ears, where the pain hurt the most. What he found, was riolu ears! or what felt like them. He looked at himself in the chat box, and confirmed his idea. He looked at Beyond from the chat. Beyonds ears were gone! 

Well, they wen't gone, but they had been replaced by two slits on the side of his head, they looked like they could be closed.

'Well, he is going to be a water type'

Thought Jason. He focused on his own ears.

They were as expected as they should look, but it all both felt and sounded different. Much like when he first started all this, the tail, he could feel the muscles in them, since he can move them around slightly, ut he would not notice the, there without thinking about it.

"Hey! Sora!"

Yelled someone from Sora's side of the chat, snapping all of them into reality. Kingdom came into view of screen, and spoke

"You never told me you lived near a forest!"

Jason and Beyond could hear Sora's sighs as he left the chat, but that was not what they were focused on, what they were now was that they understood Pokespeech now.

(Hi guys! Phase here! Just letting you know that now that watt pad is working for me again, I will now go back to working on my other story's, and will be takeing a recommendation for one, any ideas guys?)

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