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Katniss POV:

   I find myself sprinting after my new friends as they run inside the school laughing loudly. As I sprint after them my mind wandering to Prim who I left with Peeta who she doesn't even really know all that well.

   I NEVER had left my sister behind before. I always brought her to school everyday and today I was foolish and got mad.

    Suddenly everyone comes to a crashing stop in front of me and it takes everything in me to stop before totally running into them.

   "Hey Kitty!" Finnick chirps as he helps me steady myself as I was still wobbling from coming to such a sudden stop. My head snaps up and I scowl at Finnick.

   "Hey Fishy!" I snap back brushing off his hand and standing by myself.

   Finnick looks taken a back by what I just said as he pretends to be totally shocked and hurt slapping his hand to his chest and letting his mouth hang wide open. I smirk at him and laugh. I step forward and playfully punch his arm.

   He's about to say something when something behind me catches his attention and his face turns up into a big goofy smile.

   "Peetie!!!!!" Finnick screams right in my ear pushing me aside making me fall into the wall.

    I sit there scowling again as I steady myself and get up. I look over at what was so exciting and see someone I wasn't expecting to see so soon in the day.

   My scowl turns even deeper as I cross my arm across my chest annoyed. Annie comes up to me.

   "Sorry he gets really excited when Peeta comes around. They are best friends." Annie tries to explain simply and nicely. I nod.

   "I have to get my schedule." I mutter as I turn away and go down the hallway hoping that the office is this way. Annie quickly comes after me.

  "Wait! Do you need my help getting there?" Annie shouts as she catches up to me as I storm down the hall. I'm about to say no when I realize I have no clue where I'm going.

    I turn to her and nod my head. She seems suprised as she stops but when I keep walking so she quickly catches up to me.

    "Cool! Then we can talk!" She chirps as we turn a corner in the hallway. I keep my mouth shut. Annie gives a nervous smile and laugh. "Or I can talk the whole time..." she says looking hopeful.

   I just nod my head because I don't really want to hurt her feelings. Annie starts to ramble about some club shes in but I just tune that out listening for her to say which way to walk.

   When we have finally reached the office I push open the door and am greeted with two women and one man who are all speaking in high pitched voices to each other sounding almost like mice.

   One has all green clothes on making her look like a peapod or something else green. She even has green highlights in her hair. All of a sudden a man comes out of an office in the corner of the room. He sighs at the people behind the counter and shakes his head turning his attention to us.

   "Hello Annie how are you doing today?" The man asks nicely.
Annie smiles and chirps back "Good! Thank you for asking!" He smiles at her than turns to me.

   "You must be Katniss!" He smiles happily at me. "I've heard so much about you! I'm Plutarch Heavensbee! Welcome to Mockingjay High! I'm sure your looking for your schedule. I'll go get that now." He says as he turns around and quickly hobbles to his office in the corner.

   I turn to Annie my eyebrows raised in question. She just laughs.

   "Plutarch is the vice principal and he doesn't like to be called Mr. Heavensbee, just Plutarch." She nods along, agreeing to her own words. I shake my head at a loss for words. Plutarch comes out of his office with a bunch if papers.

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