No School Call

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Peeta POV:

   I wake to my phone bleeping in my pocket. I was so tired last night I left it there. I slowly remove my arm from Katniss and grab out my phone.

   The school is calling. I look at the time to see if were late and see that we have two hours yet. Confused I slide the green button and put the phone to my ear.

   "Hello this is twelves school district. Mockingjay High will be closed today due to electrical problems. Have a nice day." The recorded message drones through my phone.

   Wait. No school! Yes! This is the best! I can ask Katniss to hang out today. Maybe I'll finally be brave enough to admit my feelings... well I better not get ahead of myself. I look at Katniss who now has an eye open looking at me. I give her a big smile distracted by the news.

   "No school today! Electrical problems at the school." I give her a big smile and she beams happily.

   "Yes! We can ride horses! Oh! We could also explore around more! I haven't seen much around here! I'm so excited!" Katniss chirps as she hops off of me and out of bed towards her closet.

    "Go get changed and come over so you can make me pancakes! We have a full day ahead!" She twitters as she goes into her closet leaving me behind.

   I shake my head and chuckle heading for the window. I make my way over by the tree that is between our windows and I get into my room with no trouble.

Now. What to wear...

Hey Reader's
Short chapter to lead into the next! Tell me what I should be reading I want to read your stories so tell me which ones I should read!
So as always I must ask, please...
Stay Amazing!
Love y'all!
All Rights Go to Suzanne Collins

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