Fight Me

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Later on, Suki continued to look around the village. Many stuff changed, things were different in this world. What did he do...? She still thought about that. Things aren't the same at all. People acted different and treated her differently. She missed the real world, not this fake world.

But a week later, things changed more. Everyone was really different. They treated me more nicely. It was weird and different, but I liked it.. But I can't like this fake world. I want the real world back. I want my real friends back. I don't want this fake stuff... I want the real thing. It kinda made me upset.

I continued to walk through the leaf forest until I seen Madara again. My eyes glared at him.

"What did you do?!" I yelled a bit but not too loud.

"I've brought you into reality." He said.

"No... This world is just a lie." I said.

"You don't like it? You don't like having anything you ever wanted?" He asked.

"It's fake. It's just not real." I said and crossed my arms.

"It is real." He said. "This is the true reality of this world. A new world that'll bring peace. Why wouldn't you want that?" He asked.

"I don't care what you have to say." I said, glaring at him.

A smirk went across his face. "Do you care now?" He said as he walked over to a bush, picking up a small child in his hand, that began to cry.

"What are you....?" I cut myself off, when I seen Madara's smirk grow wider.

"Do you know who this is? This is Ventai. Your old friend." He said in a dark tone.

My eyes widened more, in anger and fear. "Please don't hurt him..." I said. Asking him how he got him, wouldn't matter. I just don't want him to hurt him at all.

Madara begins to rock the baby in his arms. "Why would I ever hurt him?" Madara asked.

"There's a lot of reasons why you would... Just please don't hurt him..." I begged. My eyes were locked onto crying Ventai.

Madara begins to laugh. "You're right." He laughs evilly. "Tell me Suki, have you ever watched your loved one die and couldn't do anything about it?" He says, getting angry now.

My eyes widened, thoughts of the past played in my head. "Yes... Just please... Please don't do this..." She was getting even sadder.

"Well now you'll watch it again." He said. He holds out Ventai's head. "Don't do what Suki?" He said before snapping his head and making it spin like the exorcist.

Suki's eyes widen in fear, terror, and shock. Tears begin welling up in her eyes. "V-Ventai..." More tears form into her eyes as she falls to her knees.

"Now you have a reason to hate me even more." He says, giving an evil smile.

Suki begins to cry, she glares up at him, having burning tears run down her face from anger and sadness.

Madara stands above her. "Fight me Suki." He suddenly punches her down into the ground, using part of his susano, making a creator. He sends his Susano away after that.

"Aagghhhh!!" Suki yelled out in pain and just laid there. She coughs up blood from being punched so hard. "I'm... Useless..."

He grabs her by the collar of her shirt. "Don't lie, Suki." He grabs her by the throat and squeezes it.

Suki cries out in pain. Her hands grip onto his as he held her by the throat. Tears still streamed down from her eyes. She opened her eyes to glare at him. Making a fist, she punches him right in the face. Madara only took the punch though. A cruel smirk went across his face.

"That's right, fight me, Suki." He said and head-butted her causing her to cry in pain. A big red mark formed onto her forehead. "You couldn't save yourself even if you wanted too." He said, his grip increasing around her neck. She closed her eyes tightly due to the pain. Her head began to hurt, it felt like a really painful headache. She tried to dig her nails into his hands that held her neck, but that didn't help at all.

"Fight me or you'll die here..." He said.

Suki's hands continued to grip tightly into his as he still held her neck. She couldn't even think at that moment. All her mind was set too, was the pain she was in right now. Madara wanted to test her jinchuriki and she knew this. He wanted to do something, he wanted to see its power himself. He wanted to experience it and take advantage of it. Suki knew this though, she can't let him. She continues to try as hard as she can to not unleash her power. Madara then stabbed her with a Kunai into her shoulder. having lots of blood pour out of her. She tried to cry out in pain, but no sound came out.

Suki eyes opened to reveal a darkened eye color than usual. She pulled his grip right off of herself then. Madara smirked to this as he noticed.

Suki then punched him in the gut which sent him back a small distance. Madara only smirked more to this. Her eyes then faded back to normal as she really didnt want to fight.

"Just leave me alone." She said, feeling a bit lightheaded. Him choking her, caused her to have a headache. Her eye vision got a bit blurry.

Madara began walking towards her, she could only see the blur of him walking closer and closer.

"I think I did good enough." He said, seeing as she was about to pass out. Her neck hurt from his squeezing it so hard.

She held onto her wound that kept bleeding. She couldn't really stand still. She held onto a tree and looked down to the ground. "Ugh..."

Madara smirked as he got closer towards her. "Not feeling well, hm?" He asked.

She slightly looked up at him. "M...a..dara..." She said, her vision blackening. She fell forwards and Madara grabbed her.

Seconds later, her eyes opened up. She wasn't letting him do whatever. Her jinchuriki forced her awake. Her fist contacted his face which caused him to let her go. Her wound began healing too.

She quickly turned around to run from him. She didn't want to fight him at all. Especially since she felt weak at the moment. This was Madara's world now. He was even more stronger. Suki was just weak compared to him.

As she ran, she came to the edge of a cliff. She quickly stopped herself. She looked down to notice it was a far drop down. She then looked back to see Madara walking right to her.

She couldn't back up, she only stood there on the edge. She decided to do something. But she didn't know what. She ran towards Madara and tried to punch him. He smirked and through her towards the ground. She crawled back from him until she was at the edge once again. He bent down to her level.

"Please.. Leave me alone.." She said.

"No." Madara smirked and grabbed her by the neck once again. He held her head off the cliff, having her be upside down. This caused her to have a even bigger headache. Her eyes began to water. Her vision became blurry. She opened them to see how far up she was from the bottom of the cliff. She screamed but her voice came out as a crack.

"M-ma...dara..." She grunted out, not being able to get a sound out now. Her hands let go of his. As she was about to pass out, Madara dropped her, having her fall off the edge of the cliff.

The only thing she could see before she fell, was his cruel smile and evil eyes watching her fall. "........." Her eyes closed as she continued to fall down. It seemed to be a long fall too. She wasn't stopping herself, she seemed to accept her fate. She felt powerless and exhausted.

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