Tobi Is Madara?

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((Yes, I know Tobi isn't Madara, My character Suki doesn't know that.))

Later, I slowly woke up. I looked around at my surroundings noticing i was in a cave, somewhere unknown, what happened? Oh, I then remembered... It was Tobi. I was stabbed right in the back by a bestfriend, Literally... I sighed, I then noticed I was chained to the wall, I couldn't barely move my arms or legs. I struggled repeatedly then gave up. I wonder if Kitty and Ventai know i'm gone...

I then see someone walk towards me, it was Tobi. I glared at him, still trying to break these chains. Tobi walked closer to me and grabbed my face, making me look at him. I stared at him, staring into his pitch black eye whole on his mask.

"It's no use trying to escape, it won't work. These are chakra chains. They'll be eating your chakra. So you'll feel weaker and weaker." Tobi said in his new dark voice.

Something then flashed through my mind, is he the man that attacked me before...?  Both have the same voice, same hair style, almost the same outfit and mask. It has to be him. But that doesn't matter now, what does he want? I thought all to myself.

I continued to glare at Tobi. Tobi just looked back. I couldn't tell his emotion, couldn't read his face, he keeps it hidden by that mask of his. I still felt sad and hate from what happened. "Tobi...Why? Why did you do this... I thought you were... Something and someone else..." I said suddenly looking down.

"Nothing lasts forever... Things change, people change. It's the way of life. Some change for better and some change for worse."  Tobi said coldly. "You will have to get use to it." He added.

I felt like crying again, but crying won't do anything. "W-what do you want from me...?" I asked.

"You seem different, I've noticed some things about you... and i'm wondering about that. Tell me... Why do you heal so fast? That's not normal... It should usually take time, you heal differently fast."  Tobi said, noticing something.

My eyes widened a bit, I then looked away and answered hesitantly. "I... I don't know. I guess it's just my body." I said, continuing to look away from his face.

He then tightened his grip on my face, making me look at him again. "I know you know. Tell me... Are you hiding something?" Tobi said.

My eyes widened again. I stared at him in surprise. How did he know this? Was he watching me? I don't know. But I can't tell him. Maybe I can show him... Only use for important stuff... Is this that important? I don't know... I kept thinking all these questions in my head. I don't think I should show him my power, maybe some... But not full power to let him know. There's no telling what could happen if he knew for sure. I doubt he even really knows... Maybe he has an idea. I'm not sure.

"Tell me. Now." Tobi said, Suki was being silent. She was lost out of words. She kept hesitating. She didn't know what to say or do. It seems like Tobi did know. She wasn't so sure. She then closed her eyes. Trying to calm herself. Tobi just watched her, waiting for an answer.

Suki concentrated and she soon appeared somewhere else, in her mind. Where the voices came to her.

"You can't hide everything forever... Secrets soon come to be revealed... It will be told or found out. Suki, this is your choice now. Choose wisely on what you decide to do now. The world lies in you and Naruto's hands. I believe you both can do it. You can't expect to defeat him without us. You can't keep everything to yourself forever... Things have to come to an end soon..."  Yang said.

I then came to normal, the vision disappeared. I opened my eyes and looked at Tobi. "What does it matter to you?" I asked.

"I want to know your power. You're different... It  matters to me because... I will be using that power... depending on what it is." Tobi said.

"Well to bad! I ain't telling you anything!" Suki yelled, glaring at Tobi.

"So be it." Tobi said letting go of her face. "I'll give you one last chance..." Tobi said turning around. "Will you tell me?" Tobi asked one last time.

"No!" Suki yelled one more.

Without any word, Tobi turned around and stabbed a kunai into Suki's stomach. She screamed out in pain. Tobi twisted it in her body. "Will you tell me now or do I have to force it out of you?" Tobi said continuing. Suki continuously yelped in pain with each and every time Tobi twisted and turn the kunai knife deeper into her stomach. Suki still didn't tell him, she was stubborn.  Tobi then took the kunai out and threw it to the ground. He then grabbed her by the neck.

"Tell me!" Tobi said forcefully, increasing his grip around her neck, he didn't put to much pressure, he still wanted her to be able to talk.

"N-no!" Suki said closing her eyes tightly.

"Then maybe killing someone close to you will make you tell." Tobi said lessening his grip around her neck, he then ended up letting it go. he just stood there infront of her, still waiting for an answer.

Suki was angered to his reply. "I won't let you kill my friends!" Suki yelled, glaring at him. Suddenly, Suki pulled on the chains with more force, her eyes faded a bit, her brown eyes to a lighter browner color. Suki then pulled herself out, the chains holding her to the wall broke. Tobi stood there surprised, not expecting that. Suki then punched Tobi hard in the face, breaking his mask.

After all that... Suki stood there, looking at Tobi and his now broken mask. Pieces of his mask fell to the floor. Tobi stood there covering his face with his hand and the rest pieces of his mask. Suki eyes turned back to normal, to their normal color. Suki's power and strength lessened. She was calm now.

Tobi then looked at her, he seemed angry.  He then took the rest of his mask and crushed it in his hand, having all the pieces fall to the floor. Suki then seen his face and was surprised by it. She backed up from him. A nice, goofy, weird funny guy is this? A dark, evil, cold hearted man? Suki didn't understand it. Suki just stared at him, in both his eyes.

Tobi stood there, looking at his mask, he then looked at her, making eye contact with her. Locking eyes with hers. "You managed to break free... and break my mask." Tobi said continuing to look at her. "You have some kind of power and i know it. It's familiar. It's as if you have the power of an jinchurikis. But that cant be. We captured them all except 8 and 9 tails. You have a different power and I want to know what it is! I will find out!" Tobi said. "By the way... I am Madara Uchiha." Tobi said darkly. Suki's eyes widened in fear. She knew about Madara, she has heard about him. But how is he alive? How? she thought.

"You're supposed to be..-" Suki was cut off.

"Dead?" Tobi said walking towards her.

Suki watched in fear as he came closer. She knew Madara and what he is capable of doing. She just stood there paralyzed in fear. Tobi then stood there infront of her once again. They locked eyes together again. Suki stared into his sharingan eyes, fear rising in her.

Tobi stood in front of her, staring down at her. "Tell me..." He said putting his hand in front of himself then making a fist.

No words came out of Suki's mouth, only silence. She was to scared to say anything. But she then managed to say something.

"what does it matter to you? I just heal fast, nothing special about it! Now leave me alone!" her scared eyes turned into angry glares.

"Maybe, you could be right.. But I've been watching you for quite a while now Suki... Your eyes, and that necklace.. Something seems out of the ordinary." He said.

"And why does it matter to you?" Suki continued to glare at him, yet she was still scared.

"I could use you.." He said.

"Well that's not happening! I'm not joining you!"

"Its no use. I'll have to change your mind for you then. Until we meet again." He said and disappeared.

I just stood there. What did he mean by that? Plus, I have to get out of here and warn the others now. So I headed back to my place as fast as I could.

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