The Kazekage

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It was the next day and I was talking with team7. All of a sudden Tsunade came running to us. "Guys! Quick! I got something important!" She said. We all ran and followed her to the Hokage's Manaion.

When we got there. "Lady Tsunade, what is it?!" Sakura asked. "The akatsuki invaded the Sand village, they have Gaara." She said. Our eyes widened. Naruto clutched his fist tightly. "Gaara.. We have to go save him!" Naruto said. "Be careful." Tsunade said. And with that we headed as fast as we could towards the sand village.

Kakashi already agreed that I'd come with them, the more the better right? The sand village was a long way to there.

We soon got to the desert, we seen Kankuro laying on the ground. We ran towards him. "Kankuro!" Naruto shouted. "The akatsuki must've got him.." Sakura said. "We have to get him back to the hidden leaf hospital." Sakura said. Sakura decided to take him to the hospital while the rest of us went on ahead.

We soon got to the sand village and it seemed that they were gone now. "Damn it..." Naruto said. We talked and looked around the sand village getting some information.

Sakura got kankuro to the hospital and healed him. He soon woke up and was feeling a bit better. Sakura continued to heal him. Later she cought up with naruto and them.

Later on, we figured out where there hideout was. On our way there, we soon seen a big white bird. Someone was on it. We stopped to look at it. It then flew past us almost making us fall over. "Grrr.." Naruto growled and looked at the man who was on the bird. "Hey!" Naruto shouted. Naruto then seen the akatsuki cloak. "The akatsuki!" Naruto said.

I could tell that naruto was angry. Naruto began to make a resangan and he ten jumped in the air and tried hitting him with the resangan, but deidara quickly dodged it. "Poof" it was a shadow clone. The real naruto then punched deidara in the face. "...!!" Deidara eyes widened in surprise. He didn't see that coming.

Naruto then ran after deidara as he flew away from him. Kakashi decided to follow him. "Naruto wait!" Kakashi shouted as he ran after naruto. "Heh." Deidara smirked as he continued to lure naruto somewhere. Later naruto and deidara fought.

Me and sakura decided to go to the akatsuki base. We soon got there, and gotten all the seals and she then punched the big boulder and crushed it. That's when we entered inside, we kept cautious. We looked around. It was dark, but thanks to the sunlight shining in from the entrance, we could see.

As we entered we seen the same blond haired man sitting on Gaara. I guess naruto should be coming soon. I was right. Naruto and Kakashi then appeared behind us. Naruto got angry when he seen deidara siting on Gaara. "Grrr... Give Gaara back!" Naruto shouted angrily.

Soon a fight broke out. Me and sakura fought the puppet master named Sasori Of The Red Sand. While Deidara led naruto to somewhere again. Kakashi chased after him.

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