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"Father, I am so sorry that I was not on the mission. I should have been with you; I could have kept you from getting taken," Kai said with shame upon her face.

Loki lifted his daughter's face so that she was looking into his eyes, "My child, you have children to take care of and two jobs to do. Even if you were there, I still would have been taken, but you would have as well, and then no one would have found us."

With a sigh, Kai nodded her head, knowing that he was right. They turned and entered the tower, knowing that things would be alright, but within a second, Kai stopped, and a look of dread spread across her angelic features.

 They turned and entered the tower, knowing that things would be alright, but within a second, Kai stopped, and a look of dread spread across her angelic features

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"Daughter, what is wrong?" Loki asked once he noticed her expression.

"They are gone..." Kai barely whispered.

"Who is gone?"

"Everyone, everyone is gone... they are not here. I cannot feel our family," Kai replied as her phone began to ring.


"Hello, Kailani." Achilles spoke smoothly into the phone.

"Achilles," Kai growled into her phone.

"Aww, Dear, do not be like that. I have your family and your teammates, well, except for your father seeing as you broke him out of my base. Now what you will do for all of them to be released is to turn yourself into me and then marry me, or I will kill one person every day until you come... I think I will start with one of your children" Achilles smirked into the phone and hung up.

All color drained from her face, knowing that if she did not do as she was told, Adrien would be the first to be killed since he looked like the spitting image of Deddric, "Father, I have to go. Achilles has them, and he has threatened to kill one person a day."

"Kai, think about this before you go and get yourself killed."

"I am the daughter of the God of Mischief. I already have a plan laid out, and everyone, including me, is coming home. I need you to alert Fury that Achilles is here and has taken the team and my family, but make sure to tell him that I have gone to bring them home. If I am not back by the end of the day, send help," and with these words, she was gone in a flash of green.

Loki ran up the stairs to the penthouse and called Fury. "Fury, Achilles is in town and has taken the team and Kailani's family. Kai has just left to bring them home."

"Why did you not go with your daughter?" Fury questioned.

"The last mission ended with me getting kidnapped by Achilles and his men. Then he gave me a power suppressant, so I am basically useless until it wears off. Kai said that if she is not back by the end of the day to send a tactical team in to retrieve her and everyone else."

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