Family is Forever

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I think she's caught between who she is and who she wants to be.

Third Person P.O.V.

"Steve, stop! I have to do this on my own! I understand what he is dealing with! The only way I can bring him in is if I do it on my own!" Kai yelled at Steve.

"Kai, he's my best friend! I should be able to help my best friend, and you just died! Let me go with you! Let me help you! I can't stand to think that I might lose you again!" Steve yelled back.

Kai's face softened at his words. Any of the frustration she felt was gone as she spoke, "Baby, I'm not going to disappear again, and I sure as hell am not going to die again. I missed you those three months I was gone, and I could barely sleep. Yours and the triplets' safety is why I left because I knew with Achilles' disappearance, y'all would be in even more danger. I have to do this on my own because I am the only one that can reach him. He needs a non-threatening face that he believes he can trust for him to come in. It doesn't get much more non-threatening with my size and cheery smile. I will come back to you. I always will."

Steve sighed and nodded, knowing she was right and he couldn't talk her out of it. He slowly walked over to her and enveloped her in his arms. Her arms wrapped around his waist as her head was nuzzled into his chest. She breathed in his scent that she had missed for three and a half months and felt a little empty as she pulled away to get dressed for her mission. She pulled on her black running tights, a blue top, her black puffer vest, her black beanie, and her silver running shoes. As Kai walked out of her and Steve's walk-in closet in their apartment in the new Avengers headquarters, Natasha walked into Kai and Steve's apartment.

 As Kai walked out of her and Steve's walk-in closet in their apartment in the new Avengers headquarters, Natasha walked into Kai and Steve's apartment

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"Are you sure you want to go in alone? He almost killed Steve, Director Fury, Sam, and me the last time we saw him," Natasha spoke.

"I know what I'm doing, Nat. I'm aware of the risks, but I understand where Bucky is mental because I've been there. Y'all were on a mission the last time you saw him, but now he's on his own and is just trying to survive. Don't worry, I'm not going to disappear for three and a half months again and die, but be brought back. I'm coming home without the help of others. I'm bringing a good man that has been forced to do bad things, in" Kai smiled, knowing that everyone was worried about her going up against Bucky.

"There's nothing we can do to change your mind, is there?" Tony asked, walking in.

"Nope," Kai smirked, grabbing her cell off the table and sliding it in her pocket.

"Don't try and change her mind. She knows what she's doing," Steve spoke as he played in the living room with the triplets.

"Bye, babies, Mama will be home soon," Kai whispered, kissing each of her kids' foreheads and then turned to Steve, "Bye, Darlin'."

"Bye, Baby Girl. See you for dinner" Steve smiled, kissing her on the lips and hugging her before leaving.

Kai walked out of the apartment and down to the basement garage where all of the vehicles were. She desperately wanted to ride one of the motorcycles. Still, Kai decided it would be better to take Deddric's truck instead. As Kai sped from the garage, she prayed she was doing the right thing by not taking backup. As she zoomed down the country road that led back into the city, her speakers blasted heavy metal music, and she focused on calming the powers within her.

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