To Lose Him Again

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If I do but one thing today, may I be human sunshine. -Butterflies Rising

"What do you mean he's not there?" Kai asked Hades.

"Deddric is no longer there. I do not know where he went, but he is gone, Niece," Hades replied, standing in front of his niece, knowing that the disappearance of Deddric from the Underworld was not a good thing.

"This isn't good. I wouldn't even know how to track Ric to bring him in. He's spent close to a year down there. Who knows how out of control his powers are!" Kai exclaimed, trying to figure out how she could track him down.

"I suggest you call your team in because they may be able to find a way to locate him and determine if he is a threat," Hades replied.

"Yes, Uncle, please stay so that you can inform the team with me. We may need the Gods' to help as well," Kai spoke in a diplomatic tone.

"Of course," Hades smiled.

"FRIDAY, please inform the team that I need to meet with all of them. We may have a serious threat to world safety on our hands that I need help with," Kai spoke to the AI.

"Yes, Mystic Angel," FRIDAY's voice replied as Kai and Hades walked towards the conference room with the triplets in their arms.

Kai placed them all in the play area that automatically came out of the wall whenever they were in a room and positioned herself at the head of the table while Hades played with the triplets. One by one, all of the team came in and seated themselves around the table. Once she was sure that everyone was there, she raised her hand for silence.

"Hades has just informed me that Deddric is missing from the Underworld along with several other powerful demigods

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"Hades has just informed me that Deddric is missing from the Underworld along with several other powerful demigods. This may be cause for alarm because, by all accounts, Achilles has somehow developed more powers. I fear that resurrection may be one of his new powers, and with his powers of suggestion, he may be able to control those that he brings back from the Underworld. Now Ra, your team does not need to be apart of this unless you want them to. Just remember this could cost them their jobs or their lives, so think wisely before making this decision" Kai spoke to all that were at the table and in the room.

"I think it is safe to say that no matter what, we are behind you even if it means our jobs and or our lives," Sal spoke up for his superior and the rest of their team as they all nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I have already spoken to Coulson, Chiron, Artemis, and Professor Xavier about this, and they have agreed to help us in any way possible. I hate to put y'all on the sidelines; Chris, Sebastian, Nathan, Tom, Paul, and Sal, but I need someone here to trust to help from here. However, just know that I am also entrusting you with my children's safety. I know that if anything happens here that you are more than capable of protecting them" Kai smiled at them.

The men nodded in response showing her that they were okay with watching the triplets and helping the team from here as best they could.

The men nodded in response showing her that they were okay with watching the triplets and helping the team from here as best they could

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