Chapter 17

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The dinner went well. Simon wanted to talk to us about the interview, which is happening in about ten minutes. Lou did my hair and make up, like she said she would. Harry's done nothing but avoided me since after dinner last night. I don't even know why. He won't answer my texts or calls, but he'll answer Lou's. I don't get it.. "Piper, you're sitting in between Liam and Zayn." Paul said to me.

I sighed, "Okay, but can I ask you a question?"

He nods and waits for me to ask, "Why isn't Harry speaking to me?"

Paul shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. I'll ask him when I go get him from his dressing room."

I nodded, "Okay!"


"So, Piper, we've heard you have something you want to tell all of us?" The kind lady smiled at me, but Liam must've noticed how nervous I got, "Actually, it's something we'd all like to tell each and every one of you."

She nodded, "Ah, I see! A new tour, I'm guessing?" She smiled as she said.

Harry lightly chuckled, "No, not that Penny. This is shocking, big, and will change our lives forever."

Penny looked at us, "Oh, this should be fun!"

I smiled as Niall started talking, "Actually, yeah. Um.. I think Piper should tell us," then my smile faded. "W-Why me?"

Niall smiles at me, "Because I think you're in the best position to tell everyone."

I looked at Harry, but he just smiled at me, so then I looked at Zayn, "Actually, I'll tell you guys what's happening." Zayn smiled.

I sighed in relief, thank goodness for Zayn. As Zayn started talking again, I looked around the stage. It was very home-like. There was a chair, which Penny was in, the two couches that sat the boys and I, the table in the middle of where all of us were, and a rug. It looked like a living room to a house, only there were actual people in the audience. "So, saying all that, Piper is four months pregnant, and she's having a boy," which resulted in him smiling at me.

Penny smiled, "Oh, that's wonderful! Do you have any names picked out, Piper?"

I blushed, "Not yet, I have time. But you will all get to see him when he's born, and I'll email you a picture, Penny!"

She nodded, "Good! So, who's the dad?"

I sighed, "Oh.. uh.. my ex-boyfriend. Things kind of didn't work out, and I found out I was pregnant a couple months ago."

She held my hand, "Well I'm here if you need any motherly advice."

I lightly smiled, "Thank you."

Harry got up and walked off the stage, "Harry.. where are you going?" Liam called chasing after him.

I looked at Zayn, "What's wrong with him?"

He shrugged and Penny laughed, "Looks like someone is upset!"

I got up and walked off, holding my stomach, "Piper, come on.. We can't finish the interview with only three people."


(A day later)

After the incident yesterday, Harry hasn't spoken to me, Liam, or Zayn. I've tried texting him, he's read all of them, I can tell with the iMessage, but won't respond. I looked at Lou, "Lou, I don't get it.. He was perfectly fine at dinner."

She weakly smiled, "I know, hun. But hey, I have a meeting. Will you watch Lux please? Simon wants to meet with me about their concert next week. Oh, we'll be on the road, no more planes!"

I nodded, "Okay.. yeah, I'll watch her. When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow at 10 am. I'll wake you up if Lux doesn't."

I nodded as she kissed Lux goodbye and walked out the door. As soon as she left, Lux started to cry. "Lux, please don't cry. Wanna play? I have a doll for you!" I said in a baby voice as I held up her toy, but she just threw herself down on the bed and started to cry even harder.

I sighed and texted Harry:

"Harry, Lou asked me to watch Lux. She won't stop crying and it's only been five minutes.. Will you please come help me?"

Within a minute Harry was knocking at the door. I let him in and he picked Lux up, "Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" She nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck and held onto him tightly.

I sighed, "I-I'm going to go uh.. get something from the snack machine," but he grabbed my wrist before I could go, "Stay."

I did as I was told, only going into the other room, where my bed was. The only thing he's said in over 24 hours is stay. Why the fuck am I going to stay here if the baby doesn't like me and he won't talk to me? There was a knock on the door leading into my tiny area, "What?"

Harry opened the door, "She's taking a nap. We need to talk."

I bit my lip, "Okay..then talk."

He sat on the bed with me, "I'm not ignoring you on purpose. Okay, well I am ignoring you on purpose. But you didn't do anything."

I don't know why, but I got mad. "I didn't do anything? I didn't do anything, but you're ignoring me? Why are you ignoring me, Harry, why?"

He started pulling at his hair, "Because, Piper. I can't stop thinking about what your ex-boyfriend did to you! I can't stop thinking about this whole baby thing. I can't stop thinking about how in love with you I am!"

My heart sank, he loves me, he really does. "Harry, you don't need to worry about my ex. I don't like him, I don't want him, and I haven't talked to him in a couple months. I want this baby, not only do I want him, but I need him. And I love you too, Harry. But you've already said we can't be together. Whether it's secretly or out in the open. Please don't make this comp-" I stopped talking because Harry lunged forward and our lips met, Harry kissed me, and it felt 100% right.

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