Chapter 16

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Before Harry had left at 4 am, he woke me up to tell me to be careful and that he'll miss me. It's not 7:45, I don't have to be up for another 15 minutes, isn't this just great? Oh well, I guess I'll just get up and start getting ready. I took a shower, using my vanilla scented body wash, and my coconut scented shampoo and conditioner. After my shower, I put on some black leggings, a loose flowy white shirt, and white flats. I let my hair dry into it's naturally straight form. My make up was simple with just mascara and a light pink lip gloss. Just as I grabbed my phone, Liam walked in, "Hey, what time is your appointment?"

I smiled, "Um at 10:30, but I want to be there by like 10:15."

He nodded, "Well it's 9:30 now. We should get going, I wanted to stop at Starbucks on the way."

I giggled, "Liam, I don't drink coffee..."

He smirked, "I know, but that doesn't mean I don't? Besides, they have chocolate milk for you. No worries."

I playfully hit him, "Oh hush! I need your help, I got this suitcase full of stuff, but I need your help zipping it. Oh, and we need to bring my laptop because I want to be able to order stuff for the baby while we're gone."

Liam sighed, "You know, your closet is big enough to be the freaking nursery? Why is it going to be down the hall if your closet is big enough?"

I thought for a second, "Well, you see.. I'm a girl, we like clothes, so.. that's why. I will end up having too many clothes by the time he or she is born. So, come on and let's go," saying that, I grabbed my purse and dropped my phone, my wallet, and anything else I might need in it.


"So, Ms. Brookes, are you ready to see your precious baby and find out what you're having?" The nurse smiled at me as I lied down on the bed.

I nodded, "Yes, I am so happy I am in my second trimester, and I can finally start shopping for my baby!"

Liam was sitting in the chair next to where I was laying down, "Piper, don't forget we have to leave here by 11:30."

I nodded, "Li, it shouldn't take anymore than 45 minutes."

The nurse put the gel on my stomach, "Piper, there's the head, and then there's an arm...are you sure you want to know the sex?"

I nodded, "Yes, I am positive I want to. I need to set up a nursery, and shop for my peanut."

Liam was holding my hand gently as I squeezed his, "Okay then, you're having a beautiful baby boy!"

I looked at Liam with tears in my eyes, "That's great! Can I please get the pictures and hear his heartbeat?"

She nodded and within 10 minutes I had them. "Ms. Brookes, would you like to schedule your next appointment?"

I sighed, "Actually, I will be away, but I'll have someone check up on me. I'll be back in three months." 

She nodded, "Alrighty then, good luck with your delivery! And I hope to see you back here with your next baby!"

I giggled and walked out with Liam, "Well, at least you're having a boy." He smiled at me.

I nodded, "I would have been happy with a girl too, but girls are too damn expensive."


Harry met us at the airport with Paul. They were in a black car with the windows tinted so nobody could see us. "So," Harry smiled at me, "Can I see the pictures from today?"

I got in my purse and handed him the ultrasound pictures, "Be careful, we're putting them in his baby book!"

Harry's smile got really big, "You're having a boy?!"

I nodded, "Yes I am! I can't wait to do his nursery when we get back. I can't wait to shop. Harry, I can't wait to have him! How did the interview go?"

He bit his lip, "Well, they wouldn't air us without you there.. so they booked us back tomorrow with you."

I sighed, "But now I have nothing to wear, you guys told me I didn't have to stop worrying because after today, everyone would know."

Liam chirped in, "You know, Piper, we could always go buy you something. And if not, I'm sure Lou has a lot of stuff you can wear. She has a huge wardrobe."

I nodded, "Okay, let's go ask Lou first and then we'll go shopping."

On our way to the hotel we passed a bunch of different places, there was a huge Macy's store that I've never seen! I mean, holy hell. This thing looked to be about three stories! When we got to the hotel, we walked up to the room, Harry showed me where Lou and I are staying and then walked down to his and Liam's room. 

I turned to Lou, "Lou, do you have anything I can wear tomorrow? I wasn't expecting to have to be at the interview."

She giggled, "Of course! Let me lay Lux down for her nap, then I will find you something that won't show off your baby bump!"

Lux lied down on the bed and instantly took the cup Lou gave her. I couldn't help but smile. I hope my baby will be that good. "Lou walked over to her suitcase and pulled out a bunch of clothes. "Okay, hun, You'll need to wear some jeans and a nice shirt. I'm assuming you have jeans, so I'll give you a shirt I wore while I was pregnant with Lux."

I smiled, "Okay! What kind of jeans? I have white, regular, and black."

She showed me the red and black striped shirt. "Right, so black?"

She nodded, "Yes! And those shoes you're wearing right now will be perfect. I'll do your hair and make up!"

I sat on the bed that didn't have a sleeping two year old on it. "So, you and Harry?" Lou smirked.

I groaned and mentally hit myself on the face, "We're nothing. And that's how it will be for a very long time. I don't think he likes me. He's told me he loves me, but I don't think he loves me. He doesn't act like he does, so why should I believe him?"

She smiled, "You know what? I thought the same thing about Pete when we first met. Hell, sometimes I think that he still doesn't. But Lux is what proved it to me, I know he does whether or not he shows it. You just need to wait for Harry to show it to you. Harry is known as being the 'player' but he definitely isn't one."

I nodded, "I don't know Lou, it just doesn't seem real."

She gave a sad smile, "Well, do your hair or something, you have dinner with Simon and the boys tonight."

I looked up, "But what about you?"

She sat down on the chair, "No, I am taking Lux to the beach. We're having a picnic and going to see some dolphins."

I nodded, "Alright, so I guess I'll just start getting ready for the dinner.. Should I be worried that Simon will be there?

She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know hun, I'm just supposed to tell you. It's 5 now, so why don't you get ready? Harry said he'll be here at 6:30 to get you."

I nodded in response. What am I supposed to do at dinner with Simon and the guys? Simons knows I'm pregnant, right? Oh, of course he does. Harry had to tell him in order to get the interview set. Damn, being pregnant makes me forgetful. Awh, I can't stop thinking about my baby boy. I can't wait to meet him. I love him more than anything. I smiled at the thoughts as I walked into the bathroom to plug in my curling iron. And now I'm off to get ready for the dinner..

Okay guys, I want you to tell me how I'm doing on this book. :) I'd appreciate it if you gave me some baby boy names for the baby! Please & thank you. :)


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