Chapter 20

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Right now, Harry and I are setting up the nursery. It's green and yellow with a blue stripe in the middle between the colors. I have the dark wood furniture all set up, and his clothes either on the rack in the closet or in his dresser. I looked over at Harry, who was hanging up curtains on the window. I smiled to myself, he was so cute. I can't even imagine how my life would be without Harry and all the guys. They've been so generous to me. They didn't have to let me move in here, Harry didn't have to save me. But he did. And that means the world to me. "Why are you staring at me?" Harry smiled, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I giggled, "Because if you didn't save me, I wouldn't be having my precious baby, and I wouldn't be here. So thank you."

He came over to me and put his hand on my stomach, "This is our baby. Maybe we didn't make him together, but he will be ours."

I nodded in agreement. Harry wants to take responsibilty for a child that isn't his, why? "Harry, why do you want to help me with this baby?"

"I can't tell you that Piper. But I think I just heard your phone ring, go check it."

I went into my room and grabbed my phone, checking the caller ID I saw it was Lou. "Hello?"

Lou: Hey, I'm going into London for a bit. I'll be there for a week or so. I was going to see if I could bring Lux with me and stay at your house?

I thought for a moment, "Yes, that should be fine. I'll sleep with Harry in his room and you can sleep in my bed with Lux, unless she needs a crib. Then she can sleep in the nursery."

Lux: She should be fine sleeping with me, but thank you so much! Don't tell Harry, I want it to be a surprise. 

I nodded even though she couldn't see me, "Yeah, okay. I'll see you tomorrow then."

After we hung up, I went back into the nursery. Everything looked perfect. The crib and changing table are by each other, the dresser across from that, and a chair in one of the corners. This room was wonderful. Harry came up and hugged me from behind, ""I hope you like the rocking chair. I had it in the attic and thought it'd look nice."

I nodded, "It's wonderful, Harry. Thank you for all your help."

He smiled, "I'm hungry. Let's go out to eat!"

I shook my head, "Harry, I don't feel like going out. That means changing."

He looked at what I was wearing: yoga pants and a tie dyed shirt. "I think you look okay."

I groaned, "Do we have to?"

"Not if you don't want to. But we'll go out tomorrow if we don't today."

I nodded, "Okay, tomorrow it is then." I knew that Lou and Lux would be here tomorrow, and he probably wouldn't want to go out with the four of us.


Today Lou was going to be here, I didn't want the place looking a mess. It was 12 pm now, and she said she'd be here by 2. "Harry, this place is a mess! Help me clean!"

He stood up from the couch, "Okay, okay. I'll do the dishes, clean the kitchen and clean the bathrooms."

I smirked, he's not going to make me clean everything because of being pregnant. "Okay, I'll clean the living room and dining room."

Within an hour, I was done cleaning. Harry.. let's just say Harry was still doing the bathroom and he had two more to do. "Harry, I'm going to take a shower."

"NO! I just cleaned the bathroom."

I smiled sweetly, "Aw, but Haz... It'll be in MY bathroom. You didn't go in there, did you?"

He shook his head, "Good because you shouldn't. Now, I'll be in the shower. Finish cleaning."

As I was showering, I heard Harry yelling. I hurried and washed up, then got out. I put on my robe and walked out in the living room, "Why are you yelling?"

Harry looks at me, "T-There was a spider in the bathroom!"

I sighed, "Really? Be a man and kill it!"

He shook his head, "No!"

I noddded, "Alright, well when something bites you in your sleep, don't cry to me," saying that, I walked into my room and began to get ready for Lou's visit. I decided on a pair of leggings and a light pink long sweater.

It had been about 40 minutes and Lou texted me saying she'll be here shortly. I went out in the living room, "Harrrrrrrrrrrrrry."

He came in, "Yeah?"

"Go get dressed. Nothing dressy, just no sweats."

He nodded, "Okay.."

Deciding Lou and Lux might want some snacks, I put out some cheese and crackers. After I was done, the doorbell rang. I wobbled down the steps and opened the door, seeing a very tired Lou and an energetic Lux. "Hello!" I smiled.

Lou walked in, "Hi.. can I take a nap?"

I giggled, "Yes.. Want me to watch her?"


I nodded, "Alright. I got some snacks on the table. Does she have a cup?"

Lou handed me the cup, "Here. She mainly drinks juice. But if not, water down some pop."

I nod and she makes her way to my room, "Oh! My room is the second on the left."

She nods, "Thank you."

I put Lux on a chair, "Here baby, want some cheese and crackers?"

She nodded and started eating the food I put on the plate. Harry comes down, "Hey, I put on something," he cut himself off. "Why is Lux here, and where is Lou? Oh my god. Please tell me part of being pregnant isn't where you steal a kid.."

I chuckle, "No Harry, Lou is taking a nap. She's tired and I offered to watch Lux."

He smirked, "So, if you're watching her, where is she now?"

I turned to see Lux was off the chair and gasped. "Harry.. where did she go?"

He laughed, "She probably went into the living room." He peaked his head out of the door, "Yeah. I'm going to put on some cartoons for her. Clean up that mess of crumbs."

I scolded him, "Whatever, Mr. Styles. After I'm doing this, I'll go do my make up since you want to go out."

He sighed, "Um, let's go out in a few days."

I nodded, "Okay..."


Lou and Lux were in my room sleeping, and Harry and I were in his room getting ready for bed. Apparently the flight took longer and they barely had any sleep. I looked down at my stomach. This is my baby. I thought to myself as I put my hands on my stomach. "You know, it's really late. We should get to bed." Harry smiled.

I nodded and looked at my phone, "Harry, it's only 9:30."

"I know, but I think Lou wants to go out to breakfast in the morning."

I nodded, "Okay.. then I'll try and sleep."

I cuddled into Harry and shut my eyes.

It had been a couple hours, I looked at my phone: 11:30 Why can't I sleep? I got up and went into the nursery. This will be my baby's room in a month or so. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see Harry, "I heard you get up. What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I can't sleep. I've been laying down for two hours. I'm overwhelmed and stressed. I don't know, Harry.."

He put his hands on my shoulders, "Hey, stop being overwhelmed. I'll be here with you to help you take care of him.There's not many concerts left, so the boys will be here shortly also. And stop being stressed. It isn't good for the baby," after saying that, he kissed me.

I know it's been a while since I updated last, but please understand that I do have school. I have to try and maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher. I've been doing good so far. So, now that you've had an update, lalalalala. Hi. Idk how much I'll update now though. I get stressed easily, get mad easily, and I get overwhelmed by all of this. So I'll update whenever I can. Thank you for being understanding. :)

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