Chapter 18

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The kiss, that's the only thing that's been on my mind for the last few weeks. I didn't care about the hate I was getting from fans, I know what they say isn't true. I care about one thing, and one thing only, that kiss. Harry kissed me. He actually kissed me, for like the fifth time.

Right now we're on the tour bus, heading into Miami. All the guys are sitting on their laptops or talking among themselves. It feels as if they hadn't noticed me. Every once in a while, he'll look up at smile at me, but that's about it. I stay silent and go back to being on the laptop. I can't help but look at the cute furniture I can get for my baby boy. I've been thinking of room ideas, but I haven't really thought of one. I think I want a simple one, maybe green and blue, that way as he grows older, it'll be his to decorate however. I want him to have white furniture, that'd be nice. I smile at the thought of Harry and I putting his room together when we get back. "Piper?" I hear someone say bringing me out of my thoughts, it was Liam.

"Uh.. yeah, Li?" I look up from my laptop.

"It's dark and we're parking somewhere, then walking to get something from a small cafe in about fifteen minutes.. are you going to go out like that?"

I look at what I'm wearing, black yoga shorts, and light pink tank top, that shows off my cute baby bump, and bunny slippers. Blushing, I shake my head. "No, I'm going to change and make myself presentable.. Do I have time for a quick shower?"

Louis looks at his watch, "Ten minutes. Looks like it's 15 minutes to the exit we get off at, and then another five until we park."

I nod and get in the shower, washing myself and looking at my cute baby belly. I put my hands on my belly and whisper to my baby boy, Mommy will always love you, baby. I won't let anyone touch you. As I'm getting out and getting changed, I realize I forgot my bra in my suitcase, "Harry...." I call.

He knocks on the door and I poke my head out, "Will you please get me a bra from my suitcase?"

He chuckles, "Yeah."

In a few minutes, he's handing me my bra. I groan as I look at it, he chose the only push up bra I have, "Harry.. my boobs are already getting bigger, you want me to wear this?!"

He smirks, "Yes"

I sigh and take it, changing into my clothes: yoga pants, a Sleeping with Sirens shirt, and a nice pair of toms. I look in the mirror and apply some mascara and chap-stick to my face, then brush my hair. It'll dry straight. I walk out and all the guys look at me, "You know, since the interview, I think this is the first time we've actually been able to see your tummy!" Niall smiles. 

I giggle, "Well, I'm feeling very confident today."

Zayn gets up, "Okay, we're almost there," he turns to the drive, "Dave, park in a vacant area."

I look around, but all I see is darkness. "Y-you guys, it's really d-dark.."

They all nod and Harry takes my hand, "We have to park in a dark area, otherwise people will see us."

I sigh and squeeze Harry's hand, "As long as nobody leaves me, I'm okay.."

Harry whispers in my ear making me blush, "I won't ever leave you, my princess."


After eating, we came back to the tour bus and the boys wanted to play truth or dare. I decided to sit out and text Lou. 

To: Lou<3

He called me his princess. I'm freaking out! When do I see you again?!

From: Lou<3

Aw, honey. That's great! Um, I'll see you soon! Maybe tomorrow? ;) No more tour bus after tomorrow, it's all planes! 

I smiled really big as I read this, then I got another text from her, But we won't be sharing a room. Apparently, you and Harry are sharing one. ;) Have fun, my love!

I'm sharing a room with Harry? Wait, what. I go sit on the couch, "I'm sharing a room with Harry?"

Harry nods while staring at the cards he has in his hand, "Yeah. I'll explain more after this game of poker. Truth or dare got boring."

I nod, "Well, it's getting late. And since I am with child, I'm going to sleep."


We got to the hotel and it was gorgeous. What hotel has bowling, laser-tag, mini golf, AND go-karts. Our rooms were on the second floor. Liam and Niall together, Zayn and Louis, Harry and I, Paul was lonely, and Lou shared one with Lux. When we got to our room I saw there was only one bed, "Harry, why's there only one bed?"

Harry scratched the back of his head, "Well.. um. We wanted all the rooms near each other, but they only had two with separate beds. That's why I said we'd share one. It'd be weird if any of the guys or I shared one bed. Lou is sharing with Lux and then Paul has his own."

I nodded, "Um.. okay then. It is a queen size bed, I guess it's big enough."

Harry smirked, "So, you hate sharing the bed with me? You come into my room all the time. I have a king size bed, you cuddle into me."

I blushed, "I-I...."

He smiled, "I'm kidding, but yeah. I'm being serious. And if you don't want to share a bed, I'll sleep on the floor."

I couldn't let him do that, could I? No, that's mean. I've slept with him on the same bed countless times. "No, no. It's okay. It's just that.. now my stomach is bigger. I'm nearly five months pregnant.. and I don't want to take up too much space."

Harry burst into laughter, "You'll be fine, I promise. You won't take up any more space than I will."

I nodded, "Okay... what time is it?"

"It's about 4 pm. Want to go in the hot tub and then get something to eat? I know all the guys are going out and Lou is taking Lux to a fair."

I sighed, I really don't want to ruin the fun Harry could have. "No.. I think you should go with the guys."

He shook his head, "I enjoy being with you."

I nod, "I can't go in a hot tub anyways, it's not safe. But.. we can go walk around. I've never been to Miami, can we go shop, please? Maybe they have some baby stores and I can get ideas!"

Harry nods, "Uh.. yeah."

I smile and throw on a different outfit, not realizing Harry was right there. "Are you going to change? It's kind of hot here."

He looks at my light pink sundress, "U-uh.. yeah." 

He quickly changes into khaki shorts and a red t-shirt. Man, he's adorable. Maybe in a few months, he can be mine... and really mine. Wait, what am I saying? He's already said we can't until I'm 18...

Helllo! Two updates in one day. ;) My life is prettying boring. Eat, sleep, wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, write, maybe see my boyfriend, write some more. Repeat. I'm working on a new story too! Again, wanna give me baby names? :)

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