Chapter 23

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With my due date a few short weeks away, I've been getting very anxious. I know when Cole gets here, it'll be hard. I'll get almost no sleep, but Harry will be there to help me. I've decided not to breastfeed, it'll make everything so difficult. What I'm scared about is not getting my old body back. I know that before my pregnancy, I wasn't the skinniest, but I've gained a lot of weight, I'd much rather prefer my old body. I'll go to the gym with Harry, he can be my trainer, yes that's it. Harry can help me get into shape. I smiled at the thought. Harry and I at the gym, Cole with Liam or Zayn. All the guys want to help, especially Harry. They're so excited to meet Cole. 

I've packed the bag we're taking to the hospital when I go into labor. It's my black and white striped duffle bag that has my clothes for when I come home, Cole's coming home clothes, and other things I might need. We haven't got any formula yet because I'm waiting for the doctors to tell me what I should use. I have Cole's bassinet next to my bed, so I don't have to walk down the hall to his room. "Piper, when do you go into the doctor?" Liam asked me.

I thought for a second and pulled out my planner, "Um, next Tuesday, why?"

He smiled, "I'm trying to make sure I can take you. Harry has plans, so I thought I'd go with."

I nodded, "Yeah, can we get my license too? I want to be able to drive and not rely on you guys."

He nodded, "Yeah, we'll talk to the social worker in a couple days. I know she wants to come visit and see you anyways. We'll get you a safe and sufficient car for you and Cole."

I smiled, "Thanks, Li."


Today I was seeing the social worker, she hasn't seen me in a while, and I'm assuming she knows I'm pregnant.. I walked into the living room and sat down, "So, Piper, I heard you're pregnant and I can see that you are, very pregnant."

I nodded, "Yes. I am, and I want to talk to you about something."

She nodded for me to go on, and I told her about how I wanted to get my license. She said she understood and she'd try to get my birth certificate from my parents. After going over a few more things, she left. Since none of the guys were home, I just went up to my room. I got on my laptop to look at some middle names for Cole, but all I did was get on Skype. I was hoping my grandma, or maybe my aunt would be on, but they weren't. I haven't talked to them in forever. Trying to occupy myself, I got my dirty clothes hamprer and went to do laundry. 

After about two hours, I got a text from Harry.

Harry<3: Put on some suitable clothes. We're picking you up on 45 minutes. But no matter what, you'll look beautiful.<3

I smiled and replied a quick okay. Figuring it'd be breezy out, I put on some leggings with a large sweater. They're my favorite. I sat down at my vanity and started on my hair, I braided it and left down a couple pieces to frame my face, then I did my make up. I look kind of adorable today, the only thing is my huge stomach.  I heard a honk and waddled downstairs, I grabbed my purse from the kitchen table and made sure I had everything I needed. I walked outside and got in the car, Harry looked at me and smiled. "So....where are we going?" I asked.

He started driving, "We're going to Applebee's."

I stared at him, "Harry, my ex works we have to?"

"Love, I've already made reservations. And it's been nearly 7 months, maybe he doesn't work there anymore."

I sighed, maybe Harry's right. Plus, he might not even remember me. I mean, it'd be kind of hard to forget a person you were in a relationship with for a year, but who knows. I looked out my window and stared up at the clouds, some looked like flowers, some looked like turtles, but a particular one stood out to me, it looked like a dinosaur. I giggled and thought of the blanket I made for Cole. It has dinosaurs on it, it'll be his baby blanket it. The one we take everywhere because it's the cutest. I noticed we were at Applebee's. His car was here.


"No, please don't. If you love me, you'll wait for me!" I cried.

He smiled, "If you loved me, you'd already fuck me."

I screamed in pain as he forced himself inside of me, taking my innocence, taking my pride, and making me not to want to trust any other guy. Once he got done, he acted as if nothing happened. He told me to put my clothes on, that he'd take me home. He wiped my tears and whispered, "I'm sorry, but I had to."

No, you don't have to do that to anyone. You don't rape someone you "love." That night was when things changed. I didn't want to live anymore. I couldn't tell my parents without them thinking I was a slut, I couldn't tell my best friend, she'd just gush over how I "finally lost it."

That night was when I broke.

End of flashback.

"Alright, we're a little early, but we shouldn't have to wait too long." Harry smiled

I nodded and got out of the car. I walked into Applebee's and looked around. It was nice in here, I've never been here before. "I have a reservation under Styles, party for two."His beautiful voice spoke.

I stood next to him as the girl gave me dirty looks. She looked me up and down and smiled at Harry, "Oh, yes Mr. Styles, we do have you marked down. Let me show you where your seats are."

I started walking next to Harry, the girl tripped me and I held onto Harry. He grabbed me before I could actually fall, "Love, you've got to be careful. You never know when something could happen."

I nodded, "Sorry.. I think it's just these shoes."

We took our seats. Harry and I made small talk until someone came to take our drink orders. I was looking down, the voice sounded familiar, but I wasn't sure. "I'd like a water," I said as I looked up. Standing there, looking shocked, it was him. My ex. He looked down at my stomach then looked at my eyes. He knows who I am. I thought. This is just great...

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