Deadly Passion (7)

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Tap tap tap.

That single noise drove James crazy. All he could hear was the tapping of Keith's fingers on the mahogany desk in the boardroom.

It had been three years Since James made the Executive board at the shipping company and it's been a year and a half since the death of his boss- Kenneth Marconi. Since then things had been really rough. Especially with the sudden disappearance of his assistant.

Karen- the intern- had informed him that Hailey had to leave to go and help her dying father. So it was unnecessary to inform the police of her sudden leave.

"Why didn't she tell me?" He had asked, "I would've given her time off."

"No, really. She said she didn't want to bother you with her personal life." Karen had reassured.

"But she's my assistant. She can't just disappear."

Apparently, she could. James hadn't seen or heard from Hailey in three years and he took on his workload without an assistant- resulting in him working overtime to secure his own deals and paperwork. He converted half of his office into a small one bedroom studio with a bathroom and live in kitchen. That way he could get more work done.

Yeah, it caused a little conflict with the Mrs. but he was working wasn't he? She couldn't bust his balls for making money. Now he was an important person in the company and he would have it no other way. The only problem was that he had to put up with three other morons who clearly couldn't decide on anything.

Keith; his longtime friend was becoming a pain in the ass. He had an opinion about everything and James was thoroughly annoyed. Then there was Adam Smith- a man of forty years with a full head of hair and a Jewish nose. He was the director of finance and has been working here since he was eighteen.

The other was David Miller. Director of Public Relations and possibly the only fifty year old man who was still in the closet. James and almost everyone knew he was gay but clearly he still liked the idea of being married with four children and still sleep with gay prostitutes when the need arises.

"I still think it would be a bad idea for this merger." Keith said.

"Are you kidding? This could be the breakthrough this company needs!" David said.

"Not if it means losing our dignity. Kenneth loathed the Romanos; especially what he went through as a child in Italy. They were heartless mafia men." Adam defended.

"What do you think, my friend?" Keith turned to James.

"That was a long time ago. I am sure things have changed. Just arrange a meeting, nothing has to be set in stone yet."

Keith shook his head. He could barely recognise his friend. What could have possibly gone wrong?


Janessa smiled as she looked at Tori in the mirror. She was stunning. Her copper colored hair was swept up in a bun while small tendrils of hair were left loose. Janessa had done her smokey-inspired makeup- thanks to Priscilla who taught her how to apply makeup- and her hair.

"Here." She said as she put a simple chain with a diamond pendant around Tori's neck. "Now, you're all done. Stand and let me see you."

Tori stood and did a small twirl. She wore a simple cobalt blue dress that covered all the right places and stopped at her knees. Tori felt pretty and she felt girly.

"Beautiful." Janessa said.

Tori liked Janessa. She was a good friend; always made sure Tori got to class, that she had somewhere to sit during lunch and made sure no one picked on her too hard. Janessa wasn't queen Bee by any means but she had respect. She was nice to everyone and stood up to bullies. She also had a mean right hook.

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