Deadly Passion (18)

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Warning: There will be sexual content in this chapter. 

"You're getting married?" Tori asked, completely shocked.

"Yes!" Keith grinned. "Aren't you happy for me?"

"Of course! But who is she?"

"I've been seeing her for a while now and she makes me happy."

Tori shook her head. Keith was getting married? The thought never occurred to her- not anytime soon at least.

"When's the wedding?"

"Not for a while. I want to give her a big wedding." He grinned.

A big wedding? She thought to herself. Whoever this chick was, she definitely had her claws in her brother.

The thought made her frown. She immediately didn't like this woman. She didn't care who she was.

"We're going for lunch with her family later." He smiled before kissing her forehead and walking away, leaving her at the breakfast table with a half eaten piece of toast.


Chester Adkins slammed the door of his shit box of a car after he climbed in. He'd just came back from visiting a friend when his phone rang. He searched his pockets until he found the vibrating phone and held it to his ear.


"Where's my fucking money?" A voice barked into the phone.

Shit! How did he get this number? He thought to himself.

He worked hard to make sure he was completely invisible to this guy. Nearing the age of sixty, his life was nowhere near what he thought it would've been. First of all, he was barely making his rent for his shitty apartment much less trying to pay back his debts.

He spent most of forties in the slammer and his early fifties searching for the bitch who put him there. He was so close to catching her when suddenly she disappeared. Again.

Chester didn't have the slightest clue as to where she could've gone so he decided to go back to his home town. After two years of struggling with the whispers and stares from people- not to mention no one wanted to give him a job- he decided to drive back out to Los Angeles and settle there.

At first, he got a simple job as a school janitor before he got mixed up with some druggie kids who introduced him to their dealer. The next year or two was spent getting his fix and wasting his life away.

Then he got the opportunity to start making money by selling drugs... until his fingers started getting sticky and he smoked up his own product.

"Listen, Charlie. I've got your money, I just need a little more time-"

"You've gotten enough time, you little shit! I want my fucking money!" Charlie roared into the phone. "I will find you, Chester. Never doubt that."

Chester exhaled once he hung up and laid his head against the glass. He needed a way out of this. Preferably not in a body bag. He thought everything was going bad until his eyes caught the newspaper headline on the passenger seat.


It featured a man on the front page trying to dodge the paparazzi. Chester opened the paper to see a fully detailed article about this man's life. His name was James O'Connor; he had a daughter and a wife. He was presently a minor shareholder in Marconi International Shipping company and the CEO of Romano's Shipping. 

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