Deadly Passion (10)

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"There's nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife."

-Clare Boothe Luce


"I know you said he was a surfer but you didn't say he was fucking awesome!" Maria exclaimed while they were both sitting on a blanket by the beach; watching Reese in the water.

"I didn't know either." She replied as her eyes were glued to every move he made as he rode the waves.

Suddenly, Maria bumped her shoulder with her friend. "Is that interest I see in your eyes?"

Janessa flushed. "No, I'm just impressed... by his talent." She quickly added.

Maria laughed. "It's okay to like him. You'll be seventeen in a few months. You should allow yourself to have some fun."

"How is having a boyfriend fun?"

Maria wiggled her eyebrows which made Janessa laugh. She didn't reply; she just continued watching Reese surf until the competition was over.

After the award ceremony, Reese found her staring at the sea void of surfers.

"Thanks for coming." He said once he was close enough.

Smiling, she said, "First place looks good on you." She nodded towards his gold medal.

A thought popped into his head and he took off the medal then placed it around her neck. "Now it looks better on you." He winked.

"You're pretty smooth."

"I try." He shrugged.

They started walking along the beach as the sun began setting on the horizon. Janessa loved the sound of the waves and she loved the feeling of the water on her feet even more. It was the one thing she would miss terribly if she left.

"You were great out there today."

"To be honest I was trying to impress you."

"Me?" She laughed. "You couldn't even see me."

"Of course I could." He touched her hair. "I could find you in a crowd anytime."

"Very smooth." She replied, trying her best to not let his words reach her heart.

"Listen, Janessa. I'm really glad you came." He stopped walking and took her hands in his.

"I'm glad too."

"I've never met anyone like you."

"You mean for my age?"

"Believe it or not, I'm just nineteen and no girl has caught my attention like you have." He kissed the back of her hands.

Her breath caught and she looked into his eyes to see if he really meant that. She was afraid of getting her heart broken like her friend, Maria. Or like her step-mother, Priscilla. Men were not reliable creatures; she had her father to thank for that.

She saw his eyes focus on her lips and she drew in a breath.

It's okay to like him. Her friend's words reminded her.

With a slightly open heart, she let him kiss her with such passion that her toes curled in the sand. She let him hold her close and caress her skin until the sun had finally set then she let him give her a ride home where he kissed her again, making her knees weak.

"Let me take you out tomorrow. Anywhere you want to go." Their foreheads were pressed together.

"The beach. I like to watch you surf." She whispered.

Deadly Passion (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now