Deadly Passion (25)

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Keith raced against the traffic as his heart pounded. His mind was running a mile a minute while he thought about what Janessa was going through at that moment. He was scared for her; genuinely scared. If Reese did anything to her then he wasn't sure he would be able to hold himself back from killing him. 

Minutes passed and he finally pulled up to the house. Jumping out, he braved the downpour and kicked open the front door to see a darkened house. He took his phone out to light up his path while walking inside. The house was dead silent and he feared what exactly happened in the span of minutes. 

Suddenly, his foot caught on something and he saw that it was Maria laying on the ground with her hands and feet bound. He kneeled down to feel her pulse and sighed relief when he felt a faint throb. Her face was swollen and he quickly called the police. 

"Stay with me, Maria." He whispered as he told the operator the address of the house. 

He then ventured upstairs where he saw the doors of the bedrooms kicked off and in pieces on the floor. He gulped and balled his fists. Reese was definitely going to get it now. Every room was empty so far and he feared that he was too late- that he missed his chance and now Janessa was gone. 

Keith checked the last room to see both the room door and the closet door kicked off. He rushed in to inspect the space when he saw nothing- no one. Grabbing a fistful of his hair, he tried to figure out what to do. 

He rushed towards the stairs again when he saw Reese walking with two small duffel bags in his hands and coming out of what he assumed was Janessa's room. He quickly hid himself and watched as Reese went down the stairs. Following close behind, he saw him set them down by the patio door and turn around; heading for the kitchen. 

When Keith quietly rushed to the door, he opened it to see Janessa outside- bound and knocked out; laying on one of the lawn chairs as the rain soaked her and the entire area. As he was about to pick her up, he felt pain shoot through his back. He quickly turned to see Reese with a knife in his hand and a smirk on his face. 

"Ready for round two, old man?" 


"Monty, please... we can work this out." James pleaded while glancing around the room. 

"No, James. We can't." He quickly changed his direction and shot Chester from the back of his head. 

Blood and brain matter coated everything and Hailey screamed on top of her lungs. James looked up in fear through his blood coated lashes and saw his life flash before his eyes. 


Hearing the gunshot, Priscilla quickly ducked and pulled her phone out. She called the police and pleaded with them. 

"Please, I just heard a gunshot and a woman scream. I'm not sure what's going on." She trembled. 

"Ma'am, I'll need you to stay out of harm's way while I send someone to help you but with this rain, I can't guarantee a time." The woman told her. 

"What?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. 

"Please, Miss. It's for your safety."

Priscilla hung up and held the phone to her chest. James could be inside that office. He could be in danger and she immediately felt a pang of fear rush through her. The thought of losing James was enough to set her priorities straight. She loved him- never stopped. 

She couldn't stand the thought of losing him. 

Memories flashed in front of her and she saw James. The very first day she saw him; how she thought he was ridiculously handsome for his own good and how much she despised him for ruining her life with Craig. 

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