Deadly Passion (11)

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Three Months Later

It was raining that particular day; the sky had opened up and a torrential downpour came out of it. The sun-beat streets started steaming as the water made contact and many patrons ran in a frenzy to find shelter.

Priscilla sat by the window and watched as the raindrops slid down the glass pane. She was overtaken by grief and couldn't find the willpower to get up and participate in today's functions.

"Babe, let's go." James stood behind his wife.

"Go without me."

"You have to come."

"I don't have to do anything." She whispered.

Dressed in a full black Armani suit, James glanced at his watch. Any longer and they would be late going to the church.

"Lisa needs you."

At the sound of her mother's name, she turned around to look up at him with her swollen, red-rimmed eyes.

"Lisa only needs herself."

As soon as their divorce was underway, her parents were involved in a tragic crash that left her father in a coma and her mother with a few fractured ribs. Priscilla had to put off her divorce and stick by her father's side throughout the three months he was in a coma... until her mother signed papers to pull the plug without consulting anybody.

Now she was sitting by her window, staring out at the blackened sky and the raindrops landing on the driveway below her.

James was about to put a hand on her shoulder but second guessed it. Ever since he found out about the divorce, he's done everything to change it. He came home more often, he tried to take her out- which she declined and he tried to repair the damage that was done.

He would lose everything if he lost his family.

Suddenly, the door creaked open and Janessa peeped through. Clearing her throat, she spoke directly to Priscilla and ignoring James.

"The service is starting soon. We better get going."

"I'm not going- and don't tell me Lisa needs me."

Janessa paused.

"Uncle Fabian needs you. Not Lisa. You know he's expecting you."

Priscilla scoffed. "He's dead. He won't know a thing."

"Yeah but won't you regret not going to his funeral? Five years from now you'll be laying awake at night wishing you did." Janessa came further into the room.

"Janessa!" James scolded.

After a long pause, Priscilla sighed. "Let's get this over with."

James was slightly amazed that his daughter could persuade his wife in a way that he couldn't. His wife refused to look at him let alone touch him. He had no leverage now when it comes to her.


After a long silent drive, Janessa finally exited James' car when she was met with a million pairs of eyes staring back at her. She knew Priscilla's father was wealthy but she didn't expect so many people to turn up at his funeral- especially with this weather.

The crowd ranged from filthy rich to the gardeners that tended to his land. It was overwhelming to see that many people in the same place.

As she entered the church with James, Maria came up to her and hugged her tightly.

"Stay strong." She whispered, to which Janessa just patted her back.

"Thanks." She mumbled.

When Maria moved away, someone caught her eye and she couldn't believe he was here.

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