Deadly Passion (14)

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Keith hopped out of the car at the sight of Priscilla and grabbed her up in a bear hug. The air filled with laughter as he spun her around and around while cursing her at the same time. Janessa giggled at the sight and exited the car herself before running over to her and hugging Priscilla.

"I'll never forgive you... but I missed you." She inhaled her scent.

Priscilla smelled like vanilla sugar mixed with expensive perfume. It was delightful and warm.

"I know, kid. I'll never say I'm sorry enough."

"You little sneak!" Keith pulled Janessa into his arms and ruffled her hair. "You knew all this time!"

"Watch the hair!" She squealed.

"I'm starving, let's get some lunch. I have a lot to tell you guys." Priscilla beamed at them.

"Actually... we have quite a lot to tell you too." Keith scratched the back of his neck.

"Well don't spare a single detail!"

They drove to one of Priscilla's favourite Indian restaurants downtown and settled there for lunch. Inside was dimly lit and the scent of Indian spices burnt their noses. There weren't a lot of people considering the time of day.

Priscilla placed her big handbag on the table and began taking different wrapped items from it. She handed Janessa a medium sized packet and grinned at her.

"I have more stuff in the suitcase but I got this one at my last stop."

She quickly tore the wrapping to reveal a bunch of scarves rolled together. They were all of different materials and colours with different patterns and embellishments.

"Oh my God." Janessa breathed. She couldn't choose which one she loved the most. They were all so beautiful and expensive looking.

"I was in Morocco for a week and I passed this stall in the market and instantly I thought of you."

"Thank you so much. They're so beautiful."

Priscilla grinned. "I know how much you admire exotic cultures."

Then she turned to Keith and gave him a small packet.

He eyed her wearily. "If these are scarves..."

She playfully slapped him on the shoulder while he laughed. He tore open the packet to reveal a small black box. He cracked open the box to see a pair of cufflinks that were both expensive and sleek. It was black and shiny with small diamonds outlining the surface.

He looked up at her and she smiled. "I saw them in Greece. The clerk told me it was only worthy of a powerful man with a good heart and expensive taste." She laughed again at his stunned expression.

"Priscilla, this is ridiculously expensive! Why?"

"Because you are all of those things, Keith. It's my way of saying thank you. You took care of Janessa when I wasn't able to. You always take care of everyone." She smiled sadly; referring to James.

Janessa watched the interaction between the two and felt at ease. It was almost as if she had never left and they were best friends again.

"Well, thank you." His voice brought her back from her thoughts. "What did you- uh- bring for James?"

"A couple of things- nothing too fancy."

"So you basically travelled the world?" Janessa asked.

"Yes. When I left I went straight to Paris where one of my colleagues found somewhere for me to rent. I spent three months there before I got restless and decided to travel the world and promote my makeup line. That's why I was never in touch. I literally had no technology on me."

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