Deadly Passion (22)

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"I really hate shopping." Janessa whined. 

"Shut up and try this on." Maria pushed a dress in her hands and turned her in the direction of the changing rooms. "I'll go find some more."

Groaning, she stomped her way into the room and tried on the different dresses. At the end of the day, she just chose a simple floor length red evening gown with spaghetti straps. Maria was thrilled with the choice and agreed to do her makeup before they went together. 

The girls walked and talked about trivial things until they passed a hair salon and Janessa froze in her spot. A crazy thought popped into her head and she pulled Maria along with her. 

"What are we doing here?" 

"I need a change." Janessa said to her before sitting in one of the empty chairs. 

Two hours later and she was finished. Maria sat frozen in her spot as the stylist blow dried and styled her hair. She had stripped her hair of the black dye and gone back to being completely blonde; beautiful, luscious and healthy bouncing blonde hair. She seemed like a completely different person now. 

"Oh my God." Was all she could say as they left the salon. 

"Do you like it?" Janessa asked. 

"Like it? Girl, it's gorgeous!" Maria gushed. 

She spent the last five or six years with her hair being jet black until she saw that Jennifer was a small replica of her- or maybe she was the replica of Jennifer. Whichever one it was; Janessa couldn't take it anymore. This was her way of coping with the situation. She would detach herself from it as if she was just a third person; starting with her appearance. 


"Thanks for coming by." Corey said as he poured a glass of wine and handed it to Priscilla. 

"I just came to say thank you. Now that the movie is wrapped up and being edited I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you giving Janessa a chance." She accepted the glass and sat on his sofa. 

"It was my pleasure; she was great. I see a really good future for her in this industry." 

"You think?"

"Definitely." He offered her a small smile. 

"Sometimes I worry for her- not that she needs it but I still worry. I just wish her father played a better role in her life." Priscilla sipped her wine. 

"We can only be responsible for our actions, not anybody else's." 

"I know but still..." 

Corey nodded and set his glass down before taking her hand in his. "I know it's been tough lately but I want you to also know that I'm here for you. Back in high school I was so in awe of you that I couldn't stand to see you with that douchebag, Craig." He shook his head. 


"You don't have to say anything. Just let me get this off my chest." He took her glass from her and held both of her hands. "You deserve a royal kind of love. The kind that doesn't let you rest because reality is better than fantasy. The kind that makes you smile for no reason at all. I'm not saying that you should drop everything and be with me but I am saying that you should get everything you want because you deserve it. You are more than worthy of it." There was so much admiration and care in his eyes that Priscilla had to hold her breath. 

She had no idea how to respond to his confession. If she didn't know any better, she would think this was a marriage proposal. Corey was a great guy and seemed like a great friend but she was to confused to even picture a chance with him. 

Craig had stated that he wanted to be her friend more than anything else but now she wondered just what he really wanted. 

"Thank you for saying that," she offered him a smile, "but it wouldn't work between us."

"I respect your choice... I just hope you will still consider me as your friend."

"Of course." She cupped his cheek. "I hope you'll find a woman that will cherish you and your heart." 

"I hope so too."


James sighed heavily as Hailey burst into his office. He needed better security. 

"I'm pregnant." She stated and threw down a pregnancy test on his desk. 

Under normal circumstances, he would have been frozen in his spot. Back when he was a teenager, Rachael had called him saying that she was pregnant for him. He remembered being frozen down to his toes because he knew it was more than likely his baby but he refused to own up to it out of fear and being a coward. 

But these weren't normal circumstances. "No, Hailey, you're not."

"Like hell, I'm not. How can you even know that?"

"Because I just know." 


"I have your file, Hailey! I know everything."


"I know about Chester. I know what he did to you."

She took an involuntary step back. "You don't know anything about me." 

"I know enough! Don't you see? You need help!"

Her hands flew up to her head and she squeezed her ears tightly to shut out his voice. She felt the blood pumping through her veins and her head started to hurt. 

"I know very good psychiatrists that I can book an appoint-" her scream stopped him mid-way. 

"I don't need your fucking help!" She turned on her heel and left his office. 

So this is why he left me. She thought to herself. It was all Chester's fault. 

A new plan formed in her mind and she would make Chester pay for what he did to her... again.

Filler chapter... sue me.

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