Deadly Passion (8)

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Warning: There will be sexual content in this chapter.

Keith yawned while scratching the back of his neck. He lazily walked into the kitchen only to find the girl from last night making breakfast. He could have sworn she left hours ago. Her sexy little rump swung from side to side as music played from his iPod deck. She wore one of his shirts while flipping pancakes and scrambling eggs at the same time.

Suddenly he cleared his throat and she jumped slightly.

"Hey, morning! Hope you don't mind, I took a shower and one of your shirts." She said.

"No, it's fine. Looks way better on you anyway." He took a seat at the breakfast bar. "Are the girls up yet?"

She poured a cup of coffee and set it on front of him. "Yeah, they went out."

"Out?" Keith nearly spat out his coffee.

"They told me they were going to the mall. Who was I to say no?"

Suddenly it dawned on him, what was her name? He swore it was something along the lines of Mary... or was it Katie?

"So I thought I'd make breakfast for you. To say thanks for last night." She winked at him.

Keith was drinking way before he saw her at the bar last night. So to him, last night was sort of a blur. He only remembered coming home, saying goodnight to the girls and got Katie- he settled on Katie- naked before she fell on her knees and sucked him off.

"I've got some work to attend to. So make yourself comfortable; eat, relax... whatever, Katie." Would it be bad that he wanted her to refuse and out of good courtesy, offer to leave so he can work?

"It's Mary. But thanks, I will." She grinned.

Well there goes that plan.


Tori and Janessa spent the day roaming around the mall; buying clothes and food and beauty products. It was a nice Saturday and they were determined to make the best of it. They finally decided to sit and take a break. This way they could people-watch.

"You still haven't told me about last night." Janessa said while sucking up her slush ice beverage from a straw.

Tori blushed. "It was great. Kyle was so nice and proper."

"Is he a good kisser?" She made kissy faces towards Tori who laughed it off.

"We made out for what felt like forever." She said dreamily.

"And that's all, right?" Janessa said in a protective tone.

"Yes, definitely. I told him he was my first kiss and he said he was a gentleman."

Ah, first kiss. Janessa remembered hers. It was with Scotty Mcpherson- a gorgeous ginger who told her that her eyes were like stars and her skin was velvety smooth. At fourteen- like Tori- she fell for it and he tried to cop more than a feel. Nothing a good knee to the groin didn't solve. He didn't even look in her direction after that.

"That's good. Just remember. You can always say no."

"I know."

Suddenly, someone came rushing over to them- yelling a series of profanities in a slight spanish accent. Tori remembered her- she was Maria. She liked Maria too.

"I called you all night last night!" She swatted Janessa. "Terry and I finally broke up- for good."

Tori saw Janessa roll her eyes. "That's what you always say."

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