Chapter 80

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I woke, warm and surrounded by strength, my magic kissing my skin pleasantly. I opened my eyes and found myself enveloped by Grigore, my naked body pressed into his, his arms locked about me protectively and his face buried in my hair. I flushed a little, not liking how content I felt at waking like this; his strength, warmth and scent being the first thing I woke to, not feeling the remnants of Daryl nor the heartache of Lillith.

I felt Grigore wake swiftly. His body stirred, his muscles relaxing and his song thickening as he pushed me onto my back gently, his hand slipping to cup my face. He gazed at me, attentive and dark, as I watched him nervously.

"You're focused." He said approvingly.

"I think Daryl's gone now."

Grigore wasn't so sure. "I'll wait to see what you're like tomorrow before I say for certain."

I hoped the prints were gone, I wanted to wake up like this more, close to him, feeling his warmth and being surrounded by his song. The thought made me flustered and inwardly scold myself as I spoke swiftly, desperate to push the thoughts away.

"Did Remus and No-Tongue leave us alone?"


"Do you trust them now?"

He didn't answer at first, just gazed at me, his expression stern and his fingers gentle against my cheek. "For now, but I'll keep an eye on them." He said, voice low with menace. "You've been hurt enough recently."

I noticed how his dark eyes slipped down to my mouth. Hunger glimmered. My fingers shot out to press against his mouth in protest, my eyes flashing. I wasn't going to let him kiss me, not when was so good at eroding my willpower. I had to be proactive about protecting myself, about protecting him.

"You're full."

"Of magic, yes." He growled meaningfully, making me shiver with pleasure at the deep tones of his voice.

His thumb brushed my lower lip, his gaze darkening as he kissed my fingers, making me flinch away from him at the swell of warmth I felt surging through me. He pulled me closer, pressing me into his strength, brushing his mouth over mine. I felt my body melting, growing pliant beneath his quiet demands, my lips parting to welcome him, but I quickly snapped myself to attention, my cheeks flaming and my mind growing flustered. Without resistance from him I slipped away from his grasp, my heart thumping madly and my skin tingling with warmth as his gaze remained fixed on me, hungry and full of amusement.

"We shouldn't keep Remus and No-Tongue waiting." I stammered, trying to stifle my need for him and ignore how intently he was watching, his eyes glittering knowingly.

Nervously and very aware I was baring myself to him, I began to pull my clothes on, keeping my back to him, my skin burning pink as I felt his growing hunger and lingering gaze slipping over me possessively, his magic growling when I bent over slightly to slip my feet through my underwear and tights. Just as I was pulling my corset on, I heard him move. My heart thumped nervously when he came up behind me, his fingers brushing my waist before pulling the hooks closed for me, but he didn't let me go straight away. His hands slipped over my hips, pulling me against the wall of his chest as he pressed his face into my hair, his song brushing my tongue pleasantly, calling to me softly.

"You're a beautiful woman, Lyra" He murmured roughly.

I stiffened, my heart in my throat and my eyes burning pink, my mind whirling and my chest tight with shyness. Had I heard him correctly? I couldn't have...why would he find me beautiful? He'd never said that to me, never verbally told me he found me attractive, even during his moments of starvation and urgent kisses. Hope he saw me as a woman swelled and pleasure that I was beautiful to the man I loved pooled despite my desperation to keep it at bay and convince myself it was all the magic's doing.

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