Chapter 83

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I breathed on my tingling fingers, cold from my retreating magic, as Grigore shut the door behind us. My cheeks were instantly turning rosy from the warmth now surrounding me but my eyes were red for another reason. The tears still remained on my cheeks, some frozen there.

Jen had gone, only recently by the smoking candle. I carefully took off her cloak and put with her sisters'. It did stand out, the colour was so vibrant compared to the others. Grigore wrapped me up in his cloak once he'd dusted the snow away, covering my thin shift, before guiding me into the lounge. Inside sat Lynda, Wilson and Remus; all whose gazes slipped to me.

"You were outside?" Lynda asked incredulously.

I simply nodded, my throat closing a little as Grigore answered for me with stiff tones. "A Black One came sniffing about. He's taken an interest in Lyra."

"That, thankfully, is the least of our problems and the easiest to deal with." Remus grunted, glancing at the empty doorway. "I take it No-Tongue's gone to see him off?"

"Yes." Grigore affirmed.

Remus nodded. "He won't get close, Lyra. He's no monster."

"People scare me more than monsters do." I muttered.

He smiled. "I can understand why."

A swell of warmth for Remus and No-Tongue grew. Despite not being threatened by a monster and not being my own, they still tried to take care of me. I thanked him earnestly as I sat on the worn sofa, warm and secure in Grigore's cloak, and was responded with a faint smile from the large Weaver.

"Grigore. Have you noticed anything strange out in the city?" Wilson asked.

It was only then I noticed how grim Remus and Wilson looked. Their mouths were thin and their eyes wrinkled with worry.

"I haven't, although I've been focusing on my own needs." Grigore responded as he removed Ursus and settled beside me, swallowing my hand with his. I still felt tension in his muscles, his body wound up for a fight, so I leaned into him, softly pressing myself against his arm to comfort him.

Remus hummed. "This is strange."

"What is?" I asked curiously.

"People have gone missing over the past few days. Five in total; three women and two men." Wilson explained. "But Remus and No-Tongue couldn't find any leads as to where they've gone. They've just vanished."

"Because I haven't found much, no echoes of monster souls, no magic, no visible signs of an attack, I assume the missing people have been taken by humans." There was a pause and doubt was clearly written on Remus' face.

"You're not certain though." Lynda pointed out. "Your gut is telling you otherwise."

"I still sense a monster out there."

Grigore nodded his head, agreeing. "It hasn't faded."

Remus grunted and tugged at his beard hard. "Grigore, No-Tongue and I may need your help. If we ask it of you, are you prepared to hunt with us?"

I felt Grigore's hesitation. I knew he didn't want to waste time nor did he want me in an unnecessary danger, but he also didn't want to abandon brothers that so far had welcomed both of us with open arms.

"If this turns out to be a monster and you really need me, I'll help." Grigore eventually said. "But Lyra has to remain safe, possibly away from here. I don't want trouble brought to your family."

Remus grinned. "As I have said before, Lyra is far more important to keep safe. If this monster is already able to hide itself so well, I'd dread to think what it can do to if it ate Lyra's magic."

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