Chapter 103

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I woke, startled, when a great wet nose pressed itself against my cheek and snorted. Crying out lightly, I pushed myself away quickly and found a dopey eyed cow staring at me, blinking slowly. I reached out and touched her thick muddy brown fur, earning a flick of her ears and gentle grumble in response.

"Lyra?" Grigore called sharply, his voice stiff as his magic reached for me, stroking me protectively.

I looked up sharply as he stepped into the barn, fresh snow clinging to his cloak and his dark eyes latched onto me, his body tense. Clearly I had alarmed him in my momentary fright of the cow, making me blush a little.

"I'm okay." I urged, hoping he wouldn't ask more.

Thankfully Grigore didn't, his eyes remaining fixed on me, burning over my face, before he yanked his hood back and hunkered down next to me. He tugged his pack closer, fishing out food for me, his motions still tense and his brow furrowed. I could feel how on edge he was and I reached my song out to him, coaxing him to settle. He glanced at me, his muscles still taut, but slowly his song met mine, merging and taking the comfort I wanted to give him, and the hostility left his body.

"Did something upset you or are you still thinking about what Rutt said?" I asked softly, watching as he used a tiny ward to warm bread and cheese for me.

"The town concerns me, that's all. I have an idea of what's happened there." Grigore handed me the bread and I ate it happily, finding my belly warming swiftly.

I waited a moment for him to continue before I realised his mind had drifted off again into brooding thoughts again. By the dark shade of his eyes, I wondered if he'd slept at all.

"You don't want to share those thoughts with me yet." I guessed.

His attention shifted to me, his jaw tightening. "No. Not yet. I'd rather be certain before I put you in danger."

"I'm in danger anyway."

Grigore's eyes flashed, his magic rumbling darkly. "I know." He paused and rubbed his jaw, trying to soothe himself. "I'll tell you once I know for certain. I don't want you trying to do things alone again like you did with the vampires." He smiled lightly at my scowling gaze. "You're much too eager to get involved with my hunts and it scares me whenever you do."

I pushed the last of the bread into my mouth, flushing a little. "I just don't want you to do hunts alone. You need me close to keep you strong, to make sure you won't get hurt."

"I won't do anything that would risk my life, Lyra. I told you before, I've only just got you. I've not had my fill of you yet." He growled, hunger stirring in him and his song filling my mouth, his magic calling to me sensually.

I flushed a little and quickly focused on my food, not wanting to stir my need for him when I couldn't have him; not in the barn of a witch we didn't know was friend or foe. He clearly felt that same as he watched me for a moment, pleasure filling him at my shy reaction, before he rose and stood by the door, leaning against the wall and watching the white world outside like a hawk.

Before long I was finished, wrapped up and free of the barn. The gentle snowfall had stopped but it had left several inches behind, swallowing my legs up to my knees. Covered in furs and warming wards, we trudged off again, giving Nanny Rutt a wary farewell as she made her way to her cow, armed with straw and a bucket of vegetable cuttings.

The journey back was as slow and cold as the day before but I was just glad that we could actually see. There was no thick curtain of falling snow and my eyes didn't sting from the icy cold. Grigore wiped clean every post he found, brushing off the compact snow to make sure the markers were visible, whether to make it easier for us later or for those in the town, I wasn't sure. Before long, we had left the pine forest and were marching across the barren hill where Astor stood surrounded by hills of white and stony tundra.

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