Chapter 32

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I didn't remain in the library for much longer. Now that I had seen Grigore and found out the elf was harmless, my body slowly began to feel heavy and tired. The words of the books became blurred and my head throbbed when I tried to force my eyes to focus. I must've drifted off at one point because Grigore, who had been silently resting in his chair with his arms folded firmly and eyes closed, was abruptly beside me, hunkered down with his dark gaze fixed on me with a hint of concern. It was apparent he still felt it was his fault I had fallen sick. 

I didn't argue when he took the book from my hand and pulled me onto my feet, propelling me out of the room. I didn't remember the walk back to my room, in fact I don't think I did as I recalled swaying in Grigore's arms, surrounded by his warmth, before I was settled in bed and he beside me, gazing at the fire across the room from my bedside.

The next morning, I was feeling stronger. The horribly mugginess that plagued my head lifted but my limbs still ached and my nose felt hot. I woke to find Arthur slipping into my room with a bowl of food and no Grigore in sight.

"I was about to wake you." He said as he strode over to my side.

I smiled and took the bowl of porridge. "Thank you." I said.

"Grigore made it before he went out. He really doesn't like me giving you food, does he?" Arthur stated in a smile but I heard the curious tone behind his question.

"He's paranoid. His job makes him so." I replied as said between mouthfuls. "Where's he gone?"

Arthur shrugged. "To hunt, he told me."

I frowned. Game would be plentiful in the forest but most would have scattered or taken shelter from the horrific storm that still plagued the sky. I guessed he had hunted yesterday but I didn't understand why he felt he needed to. We had plenty of food in this house and we always refreshed our small supply before leaving a farm or town. I doubted Arthur would say no to giving us food. I wondered if he was hunting monsters, Weavers only retained their strength by eating the souls of monsters after all. We had not found many big ones, mostly little ones, since Annis, but mother had told me Weavers had a small container for souls. If they were running low on magic and no monsters were nearby, they simply fed from the container, keeping up their strength, immortality and magic. I wondered if he was trying to fill it up. Not that I could ask him this. He was quite defensive when I asked about what he was doing yesterday. It appeared this was another thing I would have to remain in the dark about.

"How're you feeling today?" Arthur asked me, interrupting my thoughts and taking the empty bowl from me. "You look less pale."

I smiled. "Better. My throat feels a little less raw."

"Then you should be able to leave when the storm is over." Arthur said with a weak smile.

I glanced at the closed curtains that glowed now and then when the lightening slithered across the sky. "How much longer will that be?"

"I don't know. Some storms last a day or so. I remember one going on for a week but I doubt this will continue for that long. Maybe a couple more days."

I hoped I would be well by then. I needed to be strong to move on and ensure I was helpful. I sighed heavily as I thought of how I had helped Grigore so far. It wasn't much. He had done the hunting alone whenever he had found a contract. I had just stayed behind while he ventured off, making him food and hoping he wasn't going to vanish and leave me behind. He hadn't even taken any of my magic yet as he still adamantly refused me as his Source. Even if he did, I would be useless when a threat was right in front of us. I didn't want that. I wanted to be able to take care of myself a little, even if it was just against a human.

"What is it?" Arthur asked me, observing the sad frown on my face.

I hesitated in responding but when I looked up and saw his eyes so filled with concern, I couldn't help but confide in him. 

"I can't look after myself." I blurted out. "I'm terrible in battle, I'm physically weak and I always attract trouble I can't get myself out of. I want to be able to look after myself a little."

"You want to fight?" Arthur queried.

I hesitated again. It wasn't that I wanted to fight. If I fought a monster I would only get killed, no matter how skilled with a blade I was. They were fast and capable of magic themselves, which was why men struggled to kill them and Weavers roamed the world. But I wanted to protect Grigore more than myself and so far I couldn't. He refused what little protection I could offer through my magic. I had to find other means of looking after him.

"I want to be able to help Grigore when he's in trouble." I explained, trying not to tell him I was a Source and often garnered the attention of monsters.

Arthur sat back, looking thoughtful. "Well I'm not a warrior, battles are something I have never been involved in so I can't teach you about blades." He said.

My whole being turned cold, my blood freezing as darkness shifted over my eyes. For a moment, I was a decade younger and in my hut, surrounded by blood and my mother, still as the dead, towered over by a man in black, sword in hand.

"No." I said sharply, fear still pumping through me. "No blades. I don't want to learn how to use swords." When Arthur gave me a curious look, I stammered for an excuse to keep him from prying, not wanting to delve back into that nightmare. "I need to keep myself safe so I'd rather be at a distance."

I breathed a sigh of relief when Arthur nodded in acceptance. "I'm a hunter and a decent marksman. I could teach you some skills with the bow."

Archery. It was a way of fighting without getting close to a monster or threat to my magic but also of being some use to Grigore while he was in battle and needing help. I smiled widely.

"That's perfect!" I said joyfully.

Arthur grinned and flushed slightly at the sight of my warm smile. "I will teach you what I can before the storm fades. It won't be much but you should improve by practicing the basics."

"Thank you, Arthur."

He nodded, accepting my appreciation. "We'll take it easy first. I don't want to put too much strain on your body."

My smile faltered, my excitement stalling at the prospect of having to wait. "You won't teach me today?"

He looked as if he was going to say no but changed his mind when he observed my disappointed expression. "I can. Bathe and then find me in the library."

My smile instantly returned, bright and happy, and I flung myself at him, hugging him tightly, overjoyed I was going to learn how protect my magic a little more. Arthur remained frozen in my embrace and his face grew increasingly red until I let him go.

"I'll be down soon." I promised.

Arthur stiffly nodded then stood and left the room rapidly. I sat there, smiling at the dim fire opposite me, before pushing myself onto my faintly aching legs and shuffling over to the bath tub filled with lukewarm water. I stripped and slipped into the water, quickly lathering my skin with the rough soap.

Arthur had no idea what joy and hope he had given me. I had always thought and dreaded that I would have to rely on Grigore to guard me while I hid somewhere safe in the midst of a battle. I still would in a way, but I would be able to give Grigore some help by using archery. I could help take down the monsters that hunted me from a safe distance while he fought in close combat. I just hoped I was any good at it. I only had a couple of days to learn and I couldn't push myself too hard. But I would learn as much as I could before I left. I had to if I wanted to protect Grigore and myself.

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