Chapter 87

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I clutched both Nanat's and Lorry's hands as I hurried after Grigore, refusing to let go of either of them. The sun shone brightly above us still, even as it sun beneath the sky line. The snow had suffered much from its brightness today. The once thick roads of pure white had into a horrible brown slurry beneath hundreds of feet and was now hard with frost and ice.

I kept close to Grigore, or as close as the milling and humming crowd would. The people kept going on their way, not caring if they bashed into me or walked across my path, but Grigore would stick close to me, his features hooded with annoyance as he urged us onwards.

While Nanat remained deathly quiet, Lorry wouldn't stop wittering on. She was constantly asking questions, curious about my eyes and always pointing out creatures or people. I didn't mind this. Her soft excitable voice did bring some sense of calm to me but the concern still hung about.

Soon we burst into Wilson's home, the girls a little breathless and hot faced from the rapid pace, and Grigore locked the door firmly behind him. Lynda, who had been kneading bread with Jen, turned sharply, her eyes wide in surprise.

"What's happened?" She asked instantly as she hurried to her daughters, taking Lorry from me so she could fuss over her.

"Is Remus here?" Grigore asked roughly.

"He is watching over Rhye. No-Tongue is searching now." Lynda said softly, a little alarmed.

Grigore didn't say a word, just stormed up the wonky steps without taking his boots off. Jen called after him while Lynda rubbed down Nanat and Lorry. Lorry chirped happily but I couldn't help but notice the solemn sadness that had come about Nanat again.

"Nanat, don't be scared. Everything will be fine." I urged.

Nanat gazed up at me and, while no words came out of her mouth, her eyes spoke volumes. She didn't believe me.

I frowned then stiffened when Grigore called my name sharply, demanding me to come to his side. I slithered out of my boots as quickly as I could and made for the steps, only stopping when Jen darted forward and grabbed my arm with dough covered fingers.

"What's going on?" She demanded.

I was about to answer until Grigore called again, this time with little patience. "We'll tell you in a minute."

Jen scowled but let go of my arm all the same, allowing me to stumble up the stairs. Instead of turning right and diving into the tiny room filled with several beds, I turned left into Wilson's and Lynda's room. It was just as small as the girls' room but it appeared bigger as there was less furniture cluttering it. There was a lone large warbrobe, a stack of wood next to a tiny fire, and two beds. The empty small one was tucked away in the corner and surrounded by a wooden screen, the other much larger took up the space by the window. In it lay Rhye, sleeping soundly. She didn't look too bad. Her skin was a bit paler than normal but bandages covering her arms, shoulder and neck weren't bloody. There were several scabbed lines on her forehead and chin but everything else was covered and healing. It pleased me.

Grigore looked up at me with his dark eyes and gestured at me to come closer. It didn't take many steps to close the gap between us and took my fingers between his to tug me close to him, raiding my hand to press his mouth against the palm, making me flush a little.

"Tell Remus what happened." Grigore said roughly. "He needs to know what you saw. What you felt."

My gaze flickered over to Remus and I observed his face, noting how tired he looked, his eyes dim, mouth turned into a deep frown and his beard unkempt.


"I was out with Grigore and the little ones. While they were away from me, I saw the Black One who had been following me." I said, trying to sound bold when I didn't feel it. "I intended to chase him off but it didn't quite work."

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