Chapter 88

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I stirred, unhappy to be woken and now aware of the chill in the air. Someone was shaking me gently, whispering soft words in my ear and stirring my magic gently. I opened my eyes and found Grigore looking down at me, smiling softly although his eyes were sharp. He was alert. Something was bothering him.

I sat up in the bed, being careful not to stir the little ones that slept beside me.

"What's wrong Grigore?" I murmured as I pushed my hair from my face.

"I need to go." Grigore whispered as he hunkered down and stroked my jaw with gentle fingers. "Something is happening in the city or close to it."

I furrowed my brow and listened to my magic, finding there was a faint alert. It was aware of something. Something strong.

"The vampires?" I uttered.

"I don't know but I wanted you to know where I was. Wilson is awake downstairs and will watch the door. I won't be too far but I can't leave this. In the days since we arrived here, I have never felt a feeling this clear before." He said. I realised then that he had all his gear on and Ursus was at his waist with its charms glittering in the faint moonlight. "I don't know what will happen but I need you awake and alert. Keep Hild close to you and call me if you sense anything nearby."

I shifted my weight, unhappy that he was going. I wanted him to stay. I wanted to go to sleep next to him, to curl up in his arms and keep as close to him as possible, like I had done for the last couple of nights. It was only because of Jen's request of looking after her younger sisters while she slept beside Rhye that kept me here. But I also felt terribly unsafe when he wasn't near me.

"Is it a good idea?"

"They've ignored you so far." While his voice was firm, I saw doubt shine in his eyes. "But I'll leave wards around to keep you safe, ensure everything will remain locked and sturdy. Nothing will get into this house, not unless you open the door and let them in. I need you to make sure those doors stay closed, Lyra. Keep everyone inside."

Very slowly, I unhappily nodded my head in agreement, all hope of sleeping beside him gone. "I'll call you if I sense anything." I promised.

He fleetingly kissed my mouth, swift and warm. "I'll come to you when I'm back."

I watched him as he quietly walked out of the room, not looking back as he closed the door. I huffed and curled back under the blankets. I didn't want him to go, I felt it was a bad idea, but he was right. We should be safe with his ward keeping the house locked down and he was only going to check on Remus and No-Tongue. It then occurred to me that if the vampires were roaming about and causing a ruckus, Grigore would get involved. I had never seen him take one on but suddenly I was a little frightened for him. I didn't want him to get hurt again, gaining a new scar. I had to have faith in him though. He wouldn't let himself die when Sorin was still out there and I needed him. He would be back soon.

I snuggled deeper into the blankets, watching over the sleeping youngsters and trying my best to not worry about Grigore.


I woke with a start, surprised I had fallen asleep at all. I opened my eyes and glanced about the dark room, my eyes flashing with magic to enable me to see. Then I saw Nanat by the window, staring out.

"Nanat? What is it? Have you had a bad dream?" I asked softly as Lorry stirred, nestling into my chest.

When she shook her head, it was then I noticed the hood. She was dressed to go out into the snow. My confusion thickened.


"I want to follow." She said, almost dreamily, as if she was still asleep.

My heart sunk. Something was off with her. "Follow who?"

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