Chapter 89

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I sat in the lounge, shivering still even though I was wrapped in warmth. My feet were frozen and my hair was wet from melted snow.

Grigore stood beside me, looming over me like a dark angry cloud. He hadn't been happy. He had returned to the house while No-Tongue came to me and carried me back to him. The moment he saw No-Tongue approach, Grigore was storming towards us, gathering me up in his arms silently and said nothing. No-Tongue melted away again, seeking Nanat and the vampires that had once been Mary and Olive, while Grigore fussed over me. He bundled me into the warm open room, placing me gently into the chair and gathering blankets around me. He didn't say a word, only scowled darkly and refused eye contact. Fury burned in him, thickening his magic dangerously, so I sat quietly as Grigore rubbed my feet dry and tried to warm my skin gently with magic until Remus stumbled inside.

Remus was in front of me, scowling at me, demanding what had happened in a tone that clearly said he wasn't happy. I didn't want to tell him that Mary and Olive were dead.

"Lyra!" Remus roared, alerting Grigore who sharply and placed himself protectively between us. He scowled at Remus with his hand grasping Ursus in warning.

"Lyra's been through enough, Remus." He said dangerously. "Be patient."

"A ten year old girl is in the hands of vampires, I don't have time to be patient." Remus snarled back.

"Nanat was enthralled." I said quietly.

Remus fell silent sharply. The rage in his eyes diminished a little while Grigore stepped aside so Remus could see me again, releasing Ursus.

"She ran away and I followed. I wanted to bring her back and keep her safe or at least act as a beacon for Grigore." I stammered. "I thought I could lead him to her so he could bring her home."

Remus didn't say anything and Wilson sadly spoke behind him. Lynda stood with him, watching me with worried eyes.

"But I couldn't. Nanat lead me straight to the male."

"She wouldn't." Lynda burst out as she clung to Wilson. "She's just a child."

I pressed my lips together unhappily. "She'd seen the male's eyes, I think, out the window while I slept. She had no choice."

"Tell us what happened." Grigore asked lowly as he hunkered down beside me. Hearing his voice brought some courage to me. It meant he wasn't so angry with me, even if I felt rage burning in him and saw it clear in his eyes.

"Nanat was meant to guide me. The male wanted me, whether to eat or kill I don't know. He said I was to be dealt with." I paused as Grigore tangled his fingers in mine, danger rumbling from him. I squeezed his hand, taking courage from his warmth. I didn't want to look at Wilson or Lynda right now as I continued. "Olive and Mary were there but they were turned. They're that male's sisters now."

A hollow silence filled them room that slowly broke with Lynda's choking sobs.

"You're sure?" Remus asked thickly with wretchedness.

I nodded sadly. "They attacked me, chased me, and didn't breathe. Hild burned them like she did to the other female that took Olive." I fidgeted nervously as I felt three pairs of miserable eyes focused on me.

"The male wanted Nanat. She was his priority and he took her away. He didn't mind too much about me. He let Mary and Olive try take me."

"And you ran." Remus guessed.

"I did. I couldn't help Nanat anymore and I couldn't let them have me." I glanced up at Grigore, checking to see if his eyes were still dark with rage. They weren't. The angry glint had dulled into something else. "A wolf appeared as well."

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