Chapter One hundred and Thirty-Eight

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Skyess P.O.V

I wandered back to niall who was standing with josh, I smiled at the both of them, it was the first time since there fight I had finally see them get along. Niall passed me an oasis he had brought for me before me climbed onto the plane, I hugged hiim tightly causing cheska to suspiciously look over,

"I think its best if we sit away from eachother this flight, cheskas watching." He whispered into my ear before pulling back. I nodded and took a seat next to Lili. This was going to be the worst flight ever. Eleanor and Louis was watching us intetly but I looked straight ahead and plugged in my head phones. I closed my eyes tghtly and sat back, when Lili yanked the ear phones out of my ears, I was about to shove her hard but I realised cheska was trying to get my attention,

"Skye you need to put your Ipod away for take off." Cheska said from infront. I sighed before stuffing it into my pocket. I rested my eyes for what seemed like 5 minutes and I was woke up by Lili pushing and shoving past me, I scoweled up to her wondering where she was going, Lili walked across to where Ariel was supposed to be sat next to Harry, but ariel must had been in the bathroom because Lili took Ariels seat.

"Oi bitch you dont sit there." I spat across to her, But she just turned and looked at me and focused back on harry.

"Urgh slut." I whispered to myself. I pulled out my oasis bottle and took a sip. and I turned my self to look over my seat at Niall and Josh. I held out my hand and niall handed me some of his cookie.

"Whats Lili doing?" Josh asked looking over to her.

"Being a slut." I said before eating the cookie.

"Do you have a drink." Niall wailed. I nodded before turning to give him my drink.

"Here you are babeeey." I laughed

"Skye. Skye ." Cheska was pestering me from behind. I swivveled round to look at her.

"keep your bum on your seat unless your going to the bathroom now sit down." She instructed. I flopped down onto my seat and then I was joined by Ariel,

"WHY IS THAT BITCH SITTING IN MY SEAT?" She growled taking a seat in lilis seat.

"I dont no but shes a little slut." i spat causing Lili to turn around and look at us. Me and ariel both innocently waved and sweetly smiled and Lili rolled her eyes before turning back around.

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