Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Seven

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Skyeeee p.o.v

I closed my eyes and slowley drifted off to sleep. I was awoke by a busy cheska, bursting into our room. she had her phone pressed to her ear and she pulled back the curtains blinding me and ariel who was laid in bed. She let out a heavy sigh before hanging up the phone.

"Girls I need a massive favour from you both, Paul and I are out for the night, so Josh has been left in charge but he is out untill 5:00pm hes got a job interview Louis is out with eleanor and zayn is out with Madison Liam is out with some friends, Im not sure whether Harry or Niall are out today, but can I trust you to baby sit Jay today." She breathed out heavily.

"Yea sure." I yawned still trying to wake myself up. Cheska quickly scurried out the room as her phone rang. Ariel rolled to me.

"What the fuck did you agree too? Im terrible with children!!" Ariel cried grabbing her phone from underneath her pillow.

"Im sorry." I said just maaging to crawl out of bed. I padded my way along the hall to Nialls room, I creaked open the door I smiled as I saw Niall sitting on the edge of his bed and Harry curled up in a ball on a beanbag on the floor they were both into a game of fifa.

"Come on son come on straight up straight up get in lads." Niall screamed eyes fixed to the tv. He flicked his eyes to me and smiled before looking back to the screen.

"COME ON COME ON." Harry yelled biting his lip.

"YEEEEEEEESSSSSS BOYYYYY." Niall screamed jumping up, Harry throwing his controler down. I guess Niall won. Niall threw his arms in the air.

"GET IN." Niall laughed He ran to me and picked me up and spun me.

"Arghh." I screamed giggling.

"Wheres ariel?" Harry asked suspiciously looking behind me to see if she had followed. "In our bedroom." I replied, He nodded. Niall put me down. I squished nialls cheeks together as he pouted his lips.

"We have to look after Jay today." I said smiling.

"Where is the monkey?" Niall asked.

"Downstairsss." I replied. Niall grabbed my arm before tugging me downstairs. We wandered into the kitchen where cheska was just about to dash off.

"Jay is in the living room watching his cartoons.I have to go now though." Cheska said kissing Niall on the forehead and giving me a wave goodbye.

"Bye niall, Bye Skye." She said before leaving.

"Bye mum." Niall laughed before turning to me and kissing me on the nose. I followed Niall iinto the living room where Jay was sat with his building blocks and his eyes fixed to the tv screen.

"NYAL." jay clapped his hands. Niall scooped little baby jay in his arms and sat down on the sofa.

"How is my monkey doing?" Niall laughed. Jay stuck his tounge out and niall and niall tickled jays side causing him to cry with laughter. Niall sat there making playful faces as Jay sat there intently watching niall and every now and then he would screech with laughter.

"Come sit." Niall smiled to me making room.

"SIT." Jay repeated.

"YAAAAAY." Niall laughed moving Jays hands to clap. I went and sat with Niall and Jay on the sofa and saw that Jays face was lit with a smile revealing two cute perfect dimples on either side of his cheeks. He had gorgeous blue eyes aswell quite similar to Niall.

"This is Skye." Niall laughed pointing to me, A confused look spread across Jays face.

"Say skye." Niall said. Jays tounge poked out of his mouth.

"Sayy skyeeee." Niall said again. Jay didn't respond , So niall scooped him up and span him around causing him to squeel in happiness. Niall lifted Jay up high and looked up to his brightly lit face,

"Say skyyeee." Niall squeeled.

Jay mumbled "Siyeee" in responce to Niall, niall dropped jay iinto his arms.

"Good little monkeyy." Niall laughed sitting him down infront of the tv. Jay crawled over to his blocks. I went and sat next to him and jay smiled up at me grabbing one of his blocks and passing one to me. I smiled and took it and Niall came and sat beside me scooping Jay up into his lap.

"Whats that Jay?" Niall said pointing his finger to the tv where a cartoon monkey was.

"MONKAY." Jay laughed, causing me and niall to laugh.

"YAAAAAAY" I clapped my hands making Jay to do the same.

Then Ariel walked into the room looking tired miserable and upset. "Morning." I smiled. She mumbled something before leaving the room. She needed time to wake up that was all.

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