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"Harry it's so much," you couldn't call him daddy with a bunch of strangers around and he looked annoyed with their presence.

"I want you gone, if you follow orders I'll make sure you get your commission. No one is to come to this section of the store, are we clear?" He put out a small smirk as she grew flustered.

"Yes of course sir, of course!" With that she ran off to the other end of the store. Personal shoppers were always eager to please their big customers.

"I want to see everything you try on. I had them throw a few things in their for my pleasure so I want to see them on you. " You nodded and went to the dressing room where the woman had placed everything. You slipped off your clothes and picked up the first item, another dress to add to growing collection.

"What do you think daddy?" You asked as you walked out in the short little white number.

"Perfect," he said as he leaned back further and looked you up and down, smiling at the dress that would at one point end up on your floor. "Put your hair up, I want to see my marks on you," he added as you slipped back behind the curtain.

You followed his directions and continued to try on clothes and show him. When you were finished with all of the clothes you saw he had lingerie picked out as well.

It was made from the finest material and with price tags that made you head spin. As much as you wanted it all you couldn't let him spend all of this. You peeked your head out of the corner and looked over to Harry with a small pout on your lips.

"What is it baby girl? Why aren't you coming out?" He questioned you. You shifted on your feet and looked down.

"Daddy... I can't let you buy all of this for me it's way too expensive." You watched as Harry's expression hardened.

"We've been over this, nothing is ever too expensive. I have money and I want to treat my baby girl, now get changed." You nodded and changed into the expensive set that was laid out for you. You also noticed a box of heels that were set along side it.

You slipped the black heels on your feet and looked in the mirror, gasping at how sexy the provocative number looked on you. The white lace overset your skin and the shoes contrasted the material color.

You took a deep breath and walked out of the room to face Harry. You smiled over at him as you modeled the number for him. You decided to tease him and you turned so your back was to him, bending over so he could get a look at your arse. You could hear him as he stood up and walked over to you. He pulled you back into the dressing room and began to take the set off of you.

"Daddy doesn't like being teased. I think you need a punishment don't you baby girl?" Thinking about daddy giving you a punishment made your core throb painfully and your breathing pick up.

"I'm going to tease you like you teased me, if you come the punishment will only get worse at home. I'm going to make sure you stay quiet." He warned you and took off his tie before gently tying it around your head and placed it in your mouth to act as a gag. Without any warning he plunged two of his fingers into your soaked core. You moaned against his tie as his other hand fondled your breast. He picked up his pace and just as you were about to come he pulled his fingers out of you and put them in his mouth.

"You always taste so good for daddy baby girl. The rest of your punishment is being saved for home. Now get dressed, you've left me incredibly hard." He took his tie out of your mouth and walked out of the dressing room leaving you flustered for daddy.

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