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"I love you." He pressed a kiss on the top of your head and let go of you as he started to get undressed. You couldn't take you eyes off of him as he just got down to his boxers. He smirked as he saw you staring but made no comment as you walked passed him and laid in his bed.

He got in next to you and you turned on your side to face him. Besides the dimmed lamps beside the bed, there were no other lights on in the room.

"Did you mean it when you said that Margret was taken care of?"

"Yes, I took care of everything the minute I realized that something was off with you." His hand touched your cheek and you unconsciously nuzzled into it.

"I've missed you too." You shared with him and his arm wound around your waist bringing you as close to him as possible.

"Come back to me," he had asked this of you several times over the course of the evening and each time he said it the thought of complying became greater. You nodded your head and looked at him.

"Okay." He grinned and crashed your lips together. Your hands wound in his hair and his gripped your back as the kiss became more rough and heated.

He rolled you onto your back and got on top of you, not breaking your contact with one another. Your hands ran down his chest as he began to undo the buttons of his shirt you were wearing.

He broke away and pressed your foreheads close as he spoke to you.

"You're never leaving me again and you're moving in." You giggled as you nodded and kissed him lightly. His smile never left his face as he got off of you and went to a box of his dresser. He pulled the drawer open and pulled something out and came back to you.

He picked up your left hand and slide the ring back into place before kissing you once again. He tugged at the shirt and you lifted your body up so he could slide it off you.

He kissed down your neck and across your chest as you moaned and arched your back to meet his lips as they ghosted along your skin.

"How bad do you want this?"

"I want to be with you." You wrapped your legs around his waist and tugged at his boxers. He pulled the down and pulled down your panties as well, leaving the both of you naked.

Your chests were touching as he slide into you and you gasped, this being the first time in months that you've had sex.

It wasn't hard core, much like the other encounters the two of you had had before. It was a mess of laughter and little moans here and there. It was exactly as it should have been front he beginning; of course as the both of you felt everything become more frantic in your bodies did your rhythm pick up and the moans became louder.

Never once did his lips break away from your skin or did your hands leave his hair or shoulders as you clung desperately to him just awaiting for your release.

When the both of you came it was accompanied with whispered 'I love you's' and the yelling of one another's names.

"We've never really had that." Your labored voice got out as you rested your head on his damp chest.

"We'll always have that."

He pressed another kiss to your head and you closed your eyes and thought back to your first encounter with him.

Who would have known your once sugar daddy, a man who you knew nothing of, would make progress and that you be there to oversee it.

Your relationship would always based off what it had once been but you knew that your future would be so different.

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