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His hands were all over your body and yours roamed his chest as small moans escaped your mouth. He broke away and lifted the top off of you to expose your naked chest. He licked his lips and lowered his mouth to take your nipple in. You arched your back as he sucked on it, licked around the area and broke away, taking the other one in his delicate mouth.

You combed your fingers through his hair and down his back. As he bit down your fingernails dug into the skin of his shoulders. You were completely turned on and you wanted more. You took matters into your own hands and took his hardened dick in your hands, slowly moving up and down. His mouth left your breast and his hands ripped your panties in half at the sides.

"I liked these," you whined as he through the remains on the floor and got in between your legs again.

"Daddy will buy you more," he reconnected your lips and you picked you pace with your hands. You squeezed him harder and he groaned in your mouth, making your thighs slicker than before. His member twitched in your hand and his cum shot out onto your legs and some stayed on your hand. Harry stopped kissing you and looked down at your legs, watching your next movements.

You wiped the substance that was on your leg with your finger and brought your finger slowly to your mouth, making a show of sucking it clean.

"You taste so good daddy," you purred and that was the last straw since he placed you on your back and thrust right into your soaking pussy. You gripped his forearms as he went faster and deeper into you with each passing moment.

"You're always so tight for daddy." He grunted as he gave a particularly hard thrust that had you so close to letting go.

"How do you want to come? Daddy will let you choose this time, you can either come by my cock or by my mouth. Which one baby girl?"

"Your mouth, I want your mouth," you panted. He slide out of you and got on his knees. He pulled your legs up so that they rested on his shoulders and he lowered his face down to your heat.

When his tongue touched your heat you thought you were going to lose it but you held it and you were glad you did. His tongue delved between your folds and his tongue caressed your clit and he began to suck on it. The familiar feeling of pressure building and his tongue doing wonders on you sent you over the edge as he nibbled on you.

"Daddy!" You screamed as you finally came and fell back against the tables cool top.

You were still convulsing as he came up and thrust into you again, not giving you any recovery time. The sound of skin slapping against each other was the only other thing filling your ears other then his grunts and muttered curses.

Another hard thrust hit you and you could feel his dick twitch inside you and soon his hot seed filled you up and his head rested on your chest.

"I'm so glad I'm back," he muttered against you. You nodded your head lightly as you felt him harden in you again.

"So am I."

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