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You were bored as you sat in the apartment that was yours as well since the marriage made what was Harry's yours as well. You still weren't used to all of the commodities that Harry had obtained or all of the money that Harry had.

It made you feel much more grown up to know that you had married a big shot CEO and a charming one at that. His personality made you swoon and he wasn't bad looking either. In short, Harry was the full package.

There were times where you would sit down and reflect upon your starting relationship with Harry but you didn't feel any regret, you didn't feel much of anything.

You were a firm believer that things happen for reasons unknown and there was a reason why your car had broken down that fateful raining day. There was a reason why the both of you broke up only to find one another again many months later.

You rolled onto your back and stared up at the chandelier above you as you thought of what you would do once Harry came back from all of his meetings this afternoon.

This was his first business trip since you both had gotten married so he had wanted you to accompany him, and besides you wanted to see the New York apartment anyway.

All day yesterday you went shopping as Harry dotingly held all of your shopping bags. Little did your husband know that you had bought something special for the both of you.

You grinned widely when you fingered the hot pink handcuffs as you placed them on the counter while Harry was on the phone outside. You decided to buy a new set of lingerie while shopping as well for the splendid surprise you would give him.

The set you picked out was a pale pink, his absolute favorite on you. The corset fit your body like a glove and the silk stockings slide up your legs smoothly. You were going to pair the outfit off with messy hair and high black heels.

You had spent all morning planning everything out to the smallest detail and you couldn't wait to act it all out.

You wanted nothing more then to please your hard working husband and what a better way then to him whats his.


"I have a surprise for you when we get back home." You told him as you sat across from one another at Daniel.

"And what surprise would that be kitten?" He asked as he took a sip of wine. You just gave him a smirk and took a sip of your own glass.

"I can't tell you... it will ruin the surprise and we can't have that now can we?" You said coyly as you gazed around at the patrons of the restaurant.

"How did you get reservations here on such sort notice?" The question feel from your tongue as you took a glance in Harry's direction.

"Kitten do you know who I am?" He readjusted his watch as he stared at you. Under his stare you felt as though you were a flower blossoming just for his eyes.

"My husband." You grinned and he returned the same expression.

"Exactly." He seemed to grow quite after that so reached for his hand. He looked at you and your gazes locked.

"What's on your mind?" You took another sip of your wine and waited for him to speak.

"Do you think we should start trying for a baby?" You froze and let go of his hand for a moment. Of all the things you had expected him to say that wasn't one of them. His face took on a hurt expression but you were quick to pick up his hand again as you spoke your thoughts.

"I want nothing more then to have a baby with you." You said truthfully and he smiled at you, his eyes lighting up. "But do you think it's a good time? We just married a little over a month ago and you're busy with the company. I don't know if I can handle raising a baby by myself."

That was your biggest fear. Whether he acknowledged the fact that his job took over his life or not, you certainly did. The last thing you wanted was to be pregnant without someone there for you.

"It's a perfect time. I can balance the company and you," he squeezed your hand a pressed a kiss to the back of it. "Let's have a baby," he begged and in that moment it was just you and him and you found yourself nodding along with the idea.

A baby...

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