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You were looking at all the items in front of you and a feeling of despair crept inside of you. You were sitting on your couch looking at all of the the things Harry had sent you from his business trip over sea. Everything was lush and highly expensive, just like everything always was. You let out a sigh and put your face in your hands.

The note attached to the items had said that Harry would be back in 2 days time and you honestly couldn't wait for him to be back.

As you rested your head back on the entirely comfortable cushions your thoughts took a turn south as you thought back to how you and Harry had met and what had all transpired.


You didn't expect anything to come from just walking into the high rise building to ask to make a phone call. It didn't help that it was raining outside and that your hair was all over the place or the fact that your car had stalled.

You had thought only to go into the prestigious building to call a tow truck and get your car fixed but the receptionist was having a complete fit about it.

"I'm not going to let you call anyone looking like that, this is a professional business. We don't let the public use our utilities," she spat at you while looking at your soaked attire. You felt your hope draining as you tried to politely argue with her. You rebuttal was stopped short as her eyes shot to the door as it opened. You turned to look at who she was staring at and you could immediately tell why her attention was stolen.

In came a tall man, shaking out an umbrella. You could tell he held a powerful position in the company because of the way the walked and the fact all eyes were trained on him. It didn't help that his suit looked to cost more than your car.

You turned back around and tried to talk the receptionist but she yelled at you before you could utter a word.

"Just get the hell out, this is a professional place. We don't allow outsiders in," she smiled smugly as she seemed to have gotten the attention from one of the men behind you. You pushed down your annoyance and turned to leave but someone coming up next to you and placing a hand on your arm stopped you.

"Angie, what's the problem?" The man with curly brown hair asked the girl. You had to make sure your mouth didn't drop open as you took in the man. He was incredibly gorgeous, that you could tell from just the side view he emitted.

"She wants to use our phone Sir, I told her that the public wasn't allowed to." She said in a high pitched voice that she seemed to pick up just now. The man turned his full attention to you and smiled kindly, a smile in which you returned with your own small one.

"First of all it's my phone since it's my company, not yours. Second she doesn't need to the victim of your rude attitude. Leave," he pointed at her and gestured towards the door. "I won't have my employees treating anyone like how you showed to treat her. You're fired."

The woman named Angie sputtered and got up from the leather chair she had been perched upon. She scowled at you as she got her bag from below the desk and took on a pleading expression as she turned to the man.

"You can't fire me. There is no one else that will take the position on such short notice," she told him in a low voice. You felt bad for her even though she was rude to you; it was one thing to tell someone off but it was a complete other to fire them.

"I can and I have, leave." He raised his voice at her and she listened and walked through the glass entrance. You were stunned at how suddenly the situation had started and ended. You turned away from the doors and looked at the man again. His eyes were already set on you and his gaze was intense.

"You can use the phone now if you would like," he told you softly and gestured to the device on the desk.

"Thank you," you breathed out and dialed the familiar number to the tow truck company. a familiar voice picked up on the other end and a fond smile graced your lips.

"Hey Marvin... yes it happened again... okay perfect... yes I'll wait in the car... thank you." You hung up with Marvin, an old family friend of yours and turned back to the still unknown man. He looked at you questioning and you looked back confused.

"What's going on?" He asked you tightly and you were stunned at his change of tone.

"My car stalled about a block away, this was the only building I thought to come to since it was close."

"You're not waiting in your car until they come. It will take them too long and you'll be cold, you'll wait in my office." His tone left no room for disagreement but that didn't stop you from trying.

"It's completely fine, this happens quite a bit. Thank you again for the phone call though," you made your way past him but he caught your arm gently in his hands. His hands were warm and the heat soaked through your coat, straight into your skin.

"I didn't say you had a choice in the matter." He kept his grip on you, transferring his hand to grasp your own as he brought you to the elevator. While waiting to reach his floor the man called someone and had them working as the temporary receptionist. The mans hand never left yours while on the phone and you felt a weird tingle approach your body where he was touching you.

"What's your name?" You asked him as you finally got to the top floor.

"I'm Harry Styles." You introduced yourself as well and he told you to take a seat wherever you would like. You took the chair right next to the window and you gasped as you took in the view.

"The view is why I bought the building." He told you as he sat down directly next to you.

"So tell me about yourself..."

~End of Flashback~

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