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You turned off you lamp and in no time you were asleep and dreaming of what tomorrow would bring.


"Alright Miss, I have the car all ready to go." Benny, Harry's driver, told you and you nodded while you looked at your appearance.

Not a hair was out of place and you looked ready to take on the day even though you were already dead on your feet.

"Let me lock up and we'll be good to go Benny."

"Miss, the drive to the airport is about an hour so you will have time to sleep in the car. You look tired," he commented lightly in which you made a sound of agreement.

"Could you wake me when we are about 10 minutes away?"

"Of course. Now you get some shut eye."

If felt as though you had been asleep for just a minute when Benny's arm was shaking your leg, signaling that you were just 5 minutes away from the airport.

The minutes flew by and suddenly you were being helped out of the car and your luggage was being placed next to your feet. The man who had taken your luggage out insisted he carry it to your destination and he followed you the entire way in.

Someone called your name and you looked over in the direction it had come from to see Harry leaning against a pillar.

You smiled widely at him and bound over quickly. Once you were close enough he wrapped an arm around your waist and pushed his lips against yours.

"I've missed you baby girl. From now on every trip I go on you're coming." You rolled your eyes and laughed lightly.

"I have a life too daddy, you can't just expect me to drop everything." You looked over your shoulder and few people were staring at the both of you and suddenly you felt very exposed. You pulled away from Harry and took a step back; his expression now bemused.

"What's wrong?"

"All these people are staring, it's making me uncomfortable." You told him in truth.

"Ignore them," he wrapped his arms back around you and pulled you close to him. He buried his face in your hair and you just stayed still.

"Mr. Styles," a female voice brought you two back into the moment and you broke away from one another.

"Your jet is ready sir." Harry nodded tersely and took your hand in his.

"Let's go kitten, we have somewhere to be."

"Jet? I thought we were going to go on a pl"-

"On a plane? I don't do commercial kitten. I have my own items to get me to where I want to go."

"Wow." You were lead out to the jet. You took in the sheer size and panic overtook you.

"Are you sure this is safe?" You asked him as you looked at the aircraft with an unbelieving expression.

"Of course it is safe! I have only the best fly my jet, now up you get."

You two got aboard the jet and you looked down at the people getting it all ready. You never were comfortable with flying so your nerves were beginning to take over.

"I'm nervous."

"Come here," he held out his arms for you to come in and you got into them. He held you tightly as the airplane steward told you to buckle up and get ready to take off.

You clutched onto Harry tighter and he pulled the belt over the both of you.

"Don't worry, daddy's got you." A kiss was pressed to your ear and you closed your eyes tightly as the plane rocked until you were smoothly sailing.

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