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You were brought out of your thoughts by your phone ringing and you reached to grab it before it could stop.

"Hi baby girl," came from the other end. You shivered as his tired voice made its way all the way to you. You could hear other voices in the background but you paid no attention.

"Hi," you mumbled shyly and snuggled deeper into the couch. You reached for the blanket on the top and threw it over your body. The silk caressed your bare legs and it didn't help the sensation that was building as he started to talk again.

"I have good news, the deal went down perfectly so I am at the airport getting ready to take the jet back to you. I'll be there when you wake up," you cooed in delight at his words.

"I've missed you," you told him in the same shy voice.

"I missed you too. I can't wait until you're back in my arms and your lips are wrapped around my cock." You gasped at his crude talk but in honest you've missed sex and the feeling of his hands running over your body and tracing every inch of you slowly.

"Well I've missed your hands the most," you teased him and he let out a short laugh.

"Well I've definitely missed caressing each inch of you with them. Making you squirm with my fingers alone; having you begging me for more when I rub my fingers over that pretty pink pus-" Before he could finish you cut him off, breaking a rule of his but you could help it. He was getting you all worked up.

"Daddy don't start something you aren't here to finish." You pouted though he couldn't see you. You could feel the little damp spot you created between your legs and there was a discomfort you had to deal with now.

"Baby, what did I say about cutting Daddy off?" He asked you lowly and your pout grew to be bigger.

"I know I broke a rule but you aren't here to help me with my problem and I don't want to break another rule and touch myself." You whimpered and you heard him sigh.

"I will let this slide since I haven't been around very much, but listen to me when I say you do anything else out of line and that arse of yours is going to bright red."

"I understand daddy."

"Good now go get some sleep, I need you well rested for tomorrow." With that said he hung up the phone and you were left with a damp spot on your panties and a bunch of gifts you had to bring to your room.


It was an hour later that you finally resting in bed, you body adorned one of the lingerie sets he had sent you. The feeling of the material felt soft and smooth against your freshly pampered body. You had made sure to wash and shave everything before Harry had come home. It was another one of his rules that you had to follow.

You got under your covers and tried to ignore the fact that you wanted Harry next to you and closed your eyes. Not too long after you were in a deep rest, dreaming about all of the naughty things you were going to do the next day.


Like he had said over the phone, you had awaken next to a sleeping and very naked Harry. You could hear the thunder and pouring rain outside your windows and you smiled. You took in the sleeping man next to you and pushed his hair out of his face. You dropped a kiss on his forehead and got out of bed to make him some breakfast.

Just as you were going to start on the food two arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a strong chest. You giggled as lips came on your shoulder and started to suck as the skin there.

You reached forward to turn off the burner and turned around in his arms. His hands moved up slowly and went to straps that was holding the lingerie up. He let go of them and picked you up before bringing you over to kitchen table and setting you down.

"I don't think I'll be able to wait a second longer," he said as he crashed his lips to yours. He tongue immediately demanded interest and soon it was exploring every nook and crevice of your mouth, stroking yours back.

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